Arches: Utility Classes

Arches:Utility Classes

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology


Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 181

2.1 Anatomy

Anatomy of a Utility Class

The breakdown of the names for UCs follow a structured patter for easy muscle memory learning.

All of the Style Names follow this ordered pattern of construction.

  1. State - Hover (Optional: always ends with a colon)
  2. Style Name
  3. Style Name Modifier (Optional: always starts with a hyphen)
  4. Divider or Equal To (Optional: if it is a style value pair use the underscore as an equals)
  5. Value
  6. Value Modifier (Optional: always starts with a hyphen)
  7. Breakpoint (Optional: always starts with a colon)
Example 1
Make the background color primary modified by the shading of negative 2 when the cursor has hovered over it.
I have the class h:bg_primary-n2
Long Name
Modify Negative 2
Utility Class
  1. 'h' => Interaction State
  2. 'bg' => Style Name
  3. `_` => Value Divider think of this as an equal mark
  4. `primary` => Value
  5. `n2` => Modifier Values most follow a [n5 , n4, n3, n2, n1, {0 is default} , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, color names, or shade values]
  6. `lg`=> Breakpoint Value
Long Name Example 2
Add 1 rem of padding to the top when screen is medium and up
value 4 = 1rem
at the medium breakpoint
Utility Class Example

Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 261

2.2 Style Names

List of the short hand for style names

The breakdown of the names for UCs follow a structured patter for easy muscle memory learning.

CSS Style Short Name has modifier Uses Stepped Value
background-color .bg as a modifier
border-color .br as a modifier
border-radius .br
border-width .br
color .c as a modifier
clear .clear
display .
flex .flex
float .float
font-size .font
font-family .font
font-weight .font
font-style .font
height .h
justify-content .justify
margin .m
overflow .overflow
padding .p
position .
top .t
right .r
bottom .b
left .l
line-height .lh
width .w
max-width .max-w

Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 300

2.3 Name Modifiers

List of CSS Style Name Modifiers

The breakdown of the names for UCs follow a structured patter for easy muscle memory learning.

Style Short Name Example
top -t margin-top
bottom -b margin-bottom
left -l margin-left
right -r margin-right
top-right -tr border-top-right-radius
top-left -tl border-top-left-radius
bottom-right -br border-bottom-right-radius
bottom-left -bl border-bottom-left-radius

Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 321

2.4 Common Values

List of the positive to negative stepped values


Value Postfix Font Size Margin, top, left, right, bottom Padding Line Height border-width Color Modifier
n5 ms(-5) -2 * X N/A N/A N/A mix(color, black, 90%)
n4 ms(-4) -1 * X N/A N/A N/A mix(color, black, 70%)
n3 ms(-3) -.5 * X N/A N/A N/A mix(color, black, 50%)
n2 ms(-2) -.25 * X N/A N/A N/A mix(color, black, 30%)
n1 ms(-1) -.1 * X N/A N/A N/A mix(color, black, 10%)
0 ms(0) 0 0 0 0 color @ 100%
1 ms(1) .1 * X .1 * X 1 1px mix(color, white, 10%)
2 ms(2) .25 * X .25 * X 1.45 3px mix(color, white, 30%)
3 ms(3) .5 * X 5 * X 1.65 5px mix(color, white, 50%)
4 ms(4) 1 * X 1 * X 1.75 .5rem mix(color, white, 70%)
5 ms(5) 2 * X 2 * X 2 1rem mix(color, white, 90%)

x = global spacing 1 rem

Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 247

2.5 Interaction State

Pseudo DOM states

states Short Name CSS Currently Used
hover h: :hover Yes
active a: :active Partial
visited v: :visited Not Used

Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 348

2.6 Alternate Values

Alternate Values

Border Radius

Value Postfix Border Radius Values
square 0
radius 5px or Global Radius
round 25px
circle 100%

Border Style

Value Postfix Border Style Values
none none
dashed dashed
solid solid


Value Postfix Display
none none
block block
inline inline
inline-block inline-block
flex flex


Value Postfix Overflow
auto auto
clip clip
scroll scroll
hidden hidden
ellipsis ellipsis
visible visible
unset unset


Value Postfix dimension Use case
5 5 rem
10 10rem
15 15rem
20 20rem Small Phone Size
25 25rem
30 30rem Short Readable Zone
35 35rem Short Readable Zone
40 40rem Short Readable Zone
45 45rem Readable Zone
50 50rem Readable Zone
55 55rem Readable Zone
60 60rem Readable Zone
65 65rem Readable Zone
70 70rem Readable Zone
75 75rem
80 80rem
85 85rem Max Desktop Range
90 90rem Max Desktop Range
95 95rem Max Desktop Range

Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 420

2.7 Break Points

break point Short Name css dimension Currently Used
all sizes '' min-width: 0em 0px default
small ':sm' min-width: 30em 480px No
medium ':md' min-width: 40em 640px Yes
large ':lg' min-width: 40em 1024px Yes

Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 434

2.8 Extra Credit

Reserved Names

Reserved Words and Modifier Descriptors

These words should be used to describe states and generic elements of the UI and should be used instead of some variation or alternate name.

Component Name Modifier

Components styling is most are

  • ** -container ** or UI Name with no modifier (Use instead of holder when items are UI based)
  • ** -group ** or UI Name with no modifier (Use instead of list, holder, collection when items or repeatable Content)
  • ** -item ** or UI Name with no modifier (generic child of container or group)
  • ** -separator ** (a visual treatment or break between items within a container or group )


  • show
  • hide
  • is-active
  • is-complete
  • is-disabled
  • is-current
  • is-selected
  • focus
  • success
  • hover
  • warning
  • alert (Depreciate the use of ‘error’ for the native descriptor from foundation)
  • primary
  • secondary
  • reverse


  • State Colors
    • -success, -green
    • -warning, -orange
    • -alert, -red
    • -primary, -productColor
    • -secondary
    • -highlight
  • Black
  • White
  • Black and White have transparencies
    • -10 alpha,
    • -20 alpha,
    • -30 alpha,
    • -40 alpha,
    • -50 alpha,
    • -60 alpha,
    • -70 alpha,
    • -80 alpha,
    • -90 alpha