Arches: Utility Classes

Arches:Utility Classes

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 261

2.2 Style Names

List of the short hand for style names

The breakdown of the names for UCs follow a structured patter for easy muscle memory learning.

CSS Style Short Name has modifier Uses Stepped Value
background-color .bg as a modifier
border-color .br as a modifier
border-radius .br
border-width .br
color .c as a modifier
clear .clear
display .
flex .flex
float .float
font-size .font
font-family .font
font-weight .font
font-style .font
height .h
justify-content .justify
margin .m
overflow .overflow
padding .p
position .
top .t
right .r
bottom .b
left .l
line-height .lh
width .w
max-width .max-w