Arches: Utility Classes

Arches:Utility Classes

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 12595 active Icons

Click the areas below to toggle the "active" state.
Toggle the display and hide of a an icon with applying `is-active_icon-show` or `is-active_icon-hide`

Example s


toggle the award icon

Show When Active
Hide when Active


toggle the bell icon

Show When Active
Hide when Active


toggle the bell slash icon

Show When Active
Hide when Active


toggle the bug icon

Show When Active
Hide when Active
<div class="flex is-active_toggle-function">
  <div class="flex_auto a:bg_accent bg_shade-2 font_3 text_center br_1 br_solid br_shade-4 p_3"><i class="fas font_4 [modifier class] a:icon-show"></i> Show When Active</div>
  <div class="flex_auto a:bg_accent bg_shade-2 font_3 text_center br_1 br_solid br_shade-4 p_3"><i class="fas font_4 [modifier class] a:icon-hide"></i> Hide when Active</div>
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