Arches: Utility Classes

Arches:Utility Classes

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 10907 Textures Plus Background Colors

All textures are slightly transparent. You can acheive different effects with using the combo of textures and background colors.

Example s


textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess

texture_light bg_primary


textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess

texture_dust bg_primary


textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess

texture_medium bg_primary


textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess

texture_dark bg_primary


textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess

texture_light bg_alert


textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess

texture_medium bg_alert


textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess

texture_dust bg_alert


textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess

texture_dark bg_alert


textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess

texture_cross bg_alert


textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess

texture_disabled bg_alert
<div class="[modifier class] p_5 br_black-8 br_1 br_solid text_center">[modifier class]</div>
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