Arches: Virtual ACC

Arches:Virtual ACC

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology


Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 12796

8 Pages

Combination of UI brought together for pages on the site.


Default styling

Sorry, but it appears this account doesn't have access to [PRODUCT NAME ShortCode]

No Access to [PRODUCT NAME]

[PRODUCT DESCRIPTION]. To read more about the details of [PRODUCT NAME] click the learn more button.

Registration Steps

  1. To purchase, please click the "Register" button below. Once you have completed your purchase, please wait 15 minutes to allow the system to process the information.

  2. Register
  3. If you have just registered and you have waited 15 minutes and you have arrived here in error click the "Refresh Access" Button to get into [PRODUCT NAME].

  4. Refresh Access
  5. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact Member Care

    • For additional questions, please contact ACC Member Care.
    • Email:
    • Phone: 202-375-6000 ext. 5603
    • Toll-Free: 800-253-4636 ext. 5603

    Account Information

    • User Name: Regina Rutherford
    • Member ID: 0152151214
    • Email:

    Click the 'Member Help' button to send along your member information to help diagnose this issue.

Registration information on this account

  • Correct Registration [ PRODUCT NAME ]

    You do have a Registration for [ PRODUCT NAME ]. Some how you have gotten here by mistake.

    Please click the "Refresh Access" button to get to the homepage.

  • Wrong type of Registration to give you access. [Product Code Title]

    [ Product Code Description ... ] Gain access to conference hall in Washington DC. Maiores necessitatibus quis. Numquam tenetur dolorem voluptatem. Eum cum ipsam atque tempore velit tempora cupiditate deleniti et.

    Voluptas sint fugiat molestiae error. Culpa odit quas consequuntur. Ut non qui.

    You can purchase the upgrade to your Registration to include the virtual platform by clicking the button.

  • Event Registrations Found

    You do have Registrations on this account but it is not for [ PRODUCT NAME ]. Could you have possibly registered for [PRODUCT NAME] on another account?

    Do you have a Secondary Account?

    If you do have a secondary account you might try to logging out of this account and logging into that account and return to [PRODUCT NAME].

    Event Registrations On this Account
    • [Product Code Title X]
    • [Product Code Title Y]
    • [Product Code Title Z]
  • You have NO Registrations Associated with this Account

    Do you have a Secondary Account?

    If you do have a secondary account you might try to logging out of this account and logging into that account and return to [PRODUCT NAME].

Only one of the "Event Registrations Found Cards" show at a time. The cards fail in the order of the above list.
<div class="page-main">
	<h1 class="font_display font_6 c_primary m-t_4">Sorry, but it appears this account doesn't have access to [PRODUCT NAME ShortCode]</h1>
	<div class="bg_black-1 br_1 br_black-1 br_radius br_solid flex flex_column flex_row:lg gap_5 inset-level_down p_4:lg shadow_emboss-light">
		<div class="flex_70:lg flex_50:md flex_auto reading-typography flex_column flex gap_4">
			<div class="inset-level_up-1 bg_white br_radius shadow_overlap-light relative br_solid br_1 br_black-2 p_4 relative ">
				<div class="reading-typography flex flex_column gap_4">
					<h2 class="">No Access to [PRODUCT NAME]</h2>
					<p>[PRODUCT DESCRIPTION].  To read more about the details of [PRODUCT NAME] click the learn more button.</p>
					<div class="flex flex_row gap_3 justify_center">
						<a href="[PRODUCT MARKETING URL]" class="w_100 block max-w_20 btn btn-secondary c_white font_bold font_ui h:c_white shadow_overlap-light " title="Navigate to [PRODUCT NAME] detail page">Learn More</a>
			<div class="inset-level_up-1 bg_white br_radius shadow_overlap-light relative br_solid br_1 br_black-2 p_4 relative ">
				<div class="reading-typography flex flex_column gap_4">
					<h2 class="font_bold">Registration Steps</h2>
					<ol class="counter_reset m_0 p_0 ul_none flex_column flex gap_4">
						<li class="flex flex_row">
							<span class="c_primary counter counter_increment flex_none float_left font_9 font_accent font_xbold lh_0 p-r_4 self_top p-t_4"></span>
							<div class="flex_auto">
								<p>To purchase, please click the "Register" button below. Once you have completed your purchase, please <strong class="uppercase m-x_2 p_2 bg_warning-3 br_radius p-x_3 font_xbold nowrap">wait 15 minutes</strong> to allow the system to process the information. </p>
						<li class="flex flex_row gap_3 justify_center">
							<a title="register for the  [PRODUCT NAME]" href="" class="w_100 block max-w_20 btn btn-primary c_white font_bold font_ui h:c_white shadow_overlap-light ">Register</a>
						<li class="flex flex_row">
							<span class="c_primary counter counter_increment flex_none float_left font_9 font_accent font_xbold lh_0 p-r_4 self_top p-t_4"></span>
							<div class="flex_auto">
								<p>If you have just registered and you have <strong class="uppercase m-x_2 p_2 bg_warning-3 br_radius p-x_3 font_xbold nowrap">waited 15 minutes</strong> and you have arrived here in error click the "Refresh Access" Button to get into [PRODUCT NAME].</p>
						<li class="flex flex_row gap_3 justify_center">
							<a title="reset the access from you account" href="[EVENT AUTHENTICATION URL]" class="w_100 block max-w_20 btn btn-primary c_white font_bold font_ui h:c_white shadow_overlap-light ">Refresh Access</a>
						<li class="flex flex_row">
							<span class="c_primary counter counter_increment flex_none float_left font_9 font_accent font_xbold lh_0 p-r_4 self_top p-t_4"></span>
							<div class="flex_auto">
								<div class="flex flex_row:md flex_column">
									<div class="reading-typography flex flex_column gap_4 flex_50 p-r_5:md">
										<p class="font_bold">If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact <a href=""><em>Member Care</em></a> </p>
										<ul class="ul_none p_3">
											<li class="font_bold">For additional questions, please contact ACC Member Care.</li>
											<li><strong>Email:</strong> <a href=""><em></em></a></li>
											<li><strong>Phone:</strong> 202-375-6000 ext. 5603   </li>
											<li><strong>Toll-Free:</strong> 800-253-4636 ext. 5603</li>
									<div class=" flex_50"`>
										<section class="bg_acc-n2 br_1 br_black-2 br_round br_solid p-x_5:lg p_4 inset-level_up shadow_bevel-bold">
										  <div class="c_white">
										    <h2 class="br-b_1 br_solid br_white-6 c_white m-t_2 p-b_3 text_center">Account Information</h2>
										    <ul class="ul_none p_0 m_0">
										    <li class=""><strong>User Name:</strong> <span data-type="User Full Name">Regina Rutherford</span> </li>
										    <li class=""><strong>Member ID:</strong> <span data-type="Member ID">0152151214</span> </li><li class=""><strong>Email:</strong> <span data-type="email"></span> </li>
										  <div class="bg_black-4 br_radius c_white m-b_n2 m-t_4 m-x_n4 p_4 shadow_emboss-light">
										    <p class=""><strong>Click the 'Member Help' button to send along your member information to help diagnose this issue.</strong></p><div class="text_center"><a href="'name,email,personify'" class="btn btn-primary c_white inline-block m-x_auto shadow_overlap-light text_center w_auto">Member Care</a></div>
										</section>						</div>
			</div>		</div>
		<div class="flex_30:lg flex_50:md flex_auto">
			<h2 class="c_primary">Registration information on this account</h2>
			<div class="">
				<ul class="flex flex_column gap_4 ul_none">
					<li class="bg_white br_1 br_black-2 br_radius br_solid flex flex_column gap_4 inset-level_up p_2 p_3:md p_4:lg shadow_overlap-light">
						<article class="">
							<h3 class="c_primary-n2">Correct Registration <small class="block c_black-5 font_n2 font_xbold uppercase">[ PRODUCT NAME ]</small>
							<p>You do have a Registration for [ PRODUCT NAME ]. Some how you have gotten here by mistake. </p>
							<p><strong>Please click the "Refresh Access" button to get to the homepage.</strong></p>
						<aside class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_around">
							<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Refresh Access</a>
					<li class="bg_white br_1 br_black-2 br_radius br_solid flex flex_column gap_4 inset-level_up p_2 p_3:md p_4:lg shadow_overlap-light">
						<article class="">
							<h3 class="c_primary-n2">Wrong type of Registration to give you access. <small class="block c_black-5 font_n2 font_xbold uppercase">[Product Code Title]</small>
							<p>[ Product Code Description ... ] Gain access to conference hall in Washington DC. Maiores necessitatibus quis. Numquam tenetur dolorem voluptatem. Eum cum ipsam atque tempore velit tempora cupiditate deleniti et.</p>
							<p>Voluptas sint fugiat molestiae error. Culpa odit quas consequuntur. Ut non qui.</p>
							<p><strong>You can purchase the upgrade to your Registration to include the virtual platform by clicking the button.</strong></p>
						<aside class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_around">
							<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Purchase Upgrade</a>
					<li class="bg_white br_1 br_black-2 br_radius br_solid flex flex_column gap_4 inset-level_up p_2 p_3:md p_4:lg shadow_overlap-light">
						<article class="">
							<h3 class="c_primary-n2">Event Registrations Found</h3>
							<p>You <strong class="uppercase">do</strong> have Registrations on this account but it is <strong class="uppercase">not</strong> for [ PRODUCT NAME ]. Could you have possibly registered for [PRODUCT NAME] on another account?</p>
							<h4 class="c_primary-n3">Do you have a Secondary Account?</h4>
							<p>If you do have a secondary account you might try to logging out of this account and logging into that account and return to [PRODUCT NAME].</p>
						<aside class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_around">
							<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Log Out</a>
							<h5>Event Registrations On this Account</h5>
							<ul class="ul_bullets">
							<li class="c_black-6 font_n2 font_xbold uppercase">[Product Code Title X]</li>
							<li class="c_black-6 font_n2 font_xbold uppercase">[Product Code Title Y]</li>
							<li class="c_black-6 font_n2 font_xbold uppercase">[Product Code Title Z]</li>
					<li class="bg_white br_1 br_black-2 br_radius br_solid flex flex_column gap_4 inset-level_up p_2 p_3:md p_4:lg shadow_overlap-light">
						<article class="">
							<h3 class="c_primary-n2" class="c_primary">You have <strong class="font_xbold">NO</strong> Registrations Associated with this Account</h3>
							<h4 class="c_primary-n3">Do you have a Secondary Account?</h4>
							<p>If you do have a secondary account you might try to logging out of this account and logging into that account and return to [PRODUCT NAME].</p>
						<aside class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_around">
							<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Log Out</a>
Copy Code

Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 10451

8.2.1 Abstracts & Posters


Sub.Award.FlagLegend - Award Flags Sub.Attachments.BigButton - Attachments Sub.FacultyList - Faculty List Sub.Player.AuxData.Abstracts - Aux Data
Sub Components in Design:
    Data.Abstract.Title - Title
    Data Elements:


      Default styling

      Abstract on Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician Success H2
      • Special Category
      • Top Ten

      • Role Type 1:
      • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
      • Role Type 2:
      • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
      • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
      • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
      Video EMBED
      Audio EMBED
      <div class="flex_column flex">
          <header class="flex flex_row font_0 font_1:md font_3:lg p-y_3">
              <h3 class="c_primary-n2 flex_auto font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1 lh_2 m-b_3 m_0 p-l_3:lg w_100">
                      <span class="block">
                          Abstract on Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician Success H<sub>2</sub>                </span>
                      <div class="c_black-6 inline-flex flex_row items_center justify_start m-t_3 font_0">
                        <ul class="ul_inline-pipe">
                          <li class="inline-flex items_center">
                            <div class="inline-block isolation_isolate m-x_3 p-t_2 relative">
                                <i class="c_accent-n2 fa-bookmark fas font-size_up-2 font_10 relative text-shadow_black-1 z_1"></i>
                                <span class="absolute b_0 flex font-size_down-2 font_bold items_center justify_center l_0 r_0 t_0 z_2"><i class="c_white-6  fa-star fas font-size_down-2 text-shadow_white-n1"></i></span>
                            </div>      <strong class="font-size_down-1 font_copy"> Special Category</strong>
                          <li class="inline-flex items_center">
                            <div class="inline-block isolation_isolate m-x_3 p-t_2 relative">
                                <i class="c_accent-n2 fa-bookmark fas font-size_up-2 font_10 relative text-shadow_black-1 z_1"></i>
                                <span class="absolute b_0 flex font-size_down-2 font_bold items_center justify_center l_0 r_0 t_0 z_2"><i class="c_white-6   fas font-size_down-2 text-shadow_white-n1"></i></span>
                            </div>      <strong class="font-size_down-1 font_copy"> Top Ten</strong>
                      </div>            </h3>
                  <div class="self_start">
                  <a title="download attachments" class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg  p-x_4 p_3 c_white" href="" target="_blank">
                    <i class="far fa-paperclip"></i>
                    <span class="display_none inline-block:md"> Attachments</span>
                  </a>            </div>
          <section class="page-main fullscreen-player flex flex_row:md flex_column gap-x_4 gap-y_3">
              <div class="flex_auto w_100">
                  <div class="player hd full">
                      <div class="bg_acc aspect_4x3 c_white text_center  justify_center flex items_center">PDF EMBED</div>
                  <div class="flex_auto w_100 font_n1 p-x_3 m-t_3">
                  <ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                    <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100">Role Type 1:</li>
                    <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                    <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100">Role Type 2:</li>
                    <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                    <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                    <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                  </ul>            </div>
             <div class="flex_auto max-w_25:lg max-w_20:md w_100 flex flex_column gap-y_3 justify_start">
                  <div class="bg_primary-4 aspect_16x9 br_radius c_white text_center  justify_center flex items_center">Video EMBED</div>
                  <div class="bg_secondary-3 aspect_4x1 br_radius c_white text_center  justify_center flex items_center">Audio EMBED</div>
                  <aside class="flex_none max-w_20:md max-w_25:lg w_100 p_4 bg_black-1 br_radius self_start shadow_emboss-light font_n1">
                      <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-file-certificate p-r_3"></i> Credits</h4>
                      <div class="p-y_3 br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down-1">
                        <ul class=" gap-x_3 gap-y_3 justify_end:md justify_start self_center ul_inline-pipe uppercase">
                          <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                              <span class="bg_CME br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> CME
                          </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                              <span class="bg_CNE br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> CNE
                          </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                              <span class="bg_COP br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> COP
                          </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                              <span class="bg_MOCII br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> MOCII
                          </li></ul>    </div>
                      <h4 class="font-size_up  c_black-6 font_medium"><i class="fas fa-tag p-r_3"></i>category</h4>
                      <div class="br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid p-y_3 c_black-7 font-size_down">
                          <ul class="ul_inline-comma">
                            <li>Channel 1</li>
                            <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                          </ul>    </div>
                      <h4 class="font-size_up  c_black-6 font_medium"><i class="fas fa-tags p-r_3"></i>tags</h4>
                      <div class="br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid p-y_3 c_black-7 font-size_down">
                        <ul class="ul_inline-comma">
                          <li>Tag Name 1</li>
                          <li>Daugherty - Larkin</li>
                        </ul>    </div>
                  </aside>        </div>
      Copy Code

      Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 10132

      8.2.2 Channel Player


      Sub.Attachments.BigButton - Attachments Sub.FacultyList - Faculty List Sub.Player.AuxData - Aux Data Sub.ActionButtons.Favorite - Favorite Button Sub.Player.CIO - CIO Sub.Player.Chat - Chat
      Sub Components in Design:
        Data.Session.Title - Title Data.Session.ID - Session ID Sub.Presentation.List - Presentation List
        Data Elements:


          Default styling

          3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT



          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
            • Role Type 1:
            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Role Type 2:
            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
            • Role Type 1:
            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Role Type 2:
            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
            • Introduction 1 min
            • Presentation 25 min
            • Panel Discussion 5 min
          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
            • Role Type 1:
            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Role Type 2:
            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
            • Role Type 1:
            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Role Type 2:
            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET


          (1:44 PM) Lovely Day : Chat
          (2:13 PM) Lovely Day : Chat some more
          (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
          (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
          (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
          (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.
          (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.
          (2:19 PM) Lovely Day : Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.
          (3:48 PM) Lovely Day : test
          (3:50 PM) Matt Watier : hello




          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
            • Role Type 1:
            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Role Type 2:
            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
            • Role Type 1:
            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Role Type 2:
            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
            • Introduction 1 min
            • Presentation 25 min
            • Panel Discussion 5 min
          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
            • Role Type 1:
            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Role Type 2:
            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
            • Role Type 1:
            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Role Type 2:
            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
          <div class="flex_column flex" id="session_9201">
              <header class="flex flex_row font_0 font_1:md font_3:lg p-y_3">
                  <h3 class="c_primary-n2 flex_auto font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1 lh_2 m-b_3 m_0 p-l_3:lg w_100">
                          <span class="block">
                              <strong class="font_bold p-r_3">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III </span>
                          <span class="c_accent font-size_down-2 lh_0 inline-block">
                          Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr>
                      <div class="self_start flex gap_2">
                      <a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 flex_none  grid items_center text_center " ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a>            <a title="download attachments" class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg  p-x_4 p_3 c_white" href="" target="_blank">
                        <i class="far fa-paperclip"></i>
                        <span class="display_none inline-block:md"> Attachments</span>
                      </a>            </div>
              <section class="page-main fullscreen-player flex flex_row:md flex_column gap-x_4 gap-y_3">
                  <div class="flex_auto w_100">
                      <div class="player hd full">
                          <div class="bg_acc aspect_4x3 c_white text_center  justify_center flex items_center">VIDEO</div>
                      <section class="p-t_3 display_none block:md">
                          <div  class="br-b_2 br_0 br_solid br_primary-2">
                          <h4 class="font-size_up p-x_3 c_primary-n2 font_medium">Presentations</h4>
                          <ul class="ul_none br-t_1 br_solid br_primary p_0 font_n1 bg_primary-n3">
                            <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
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                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Introduction <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">1 min</span>
                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Presentation <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">25 min</span>
                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Panel Discussion <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">5 min</span>
                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
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                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                            </li></ul>                </div>
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                                <div class="msgln">(1:44 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Chat<br></div>
                                <div class="msgln">(2:13 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Chat some more<br></div>
                                <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                                <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                                <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                                <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.<br></div>
                                <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.<br></div>
                                <div class="msgln">(2:19 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.<br></div>
                                <div class="msgln">(3:48 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: test<br></div>
                                <div class="msgln">(3:50 PM) <b> Matt Watier </b>: hello<br></div>
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                          <h4 class="font-size_up p-x_3 c_primary-n2 font_medium">Presentations</h4>
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                            <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
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                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Introduction <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">1 min</span>
                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Presentation <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">25 min</span>
                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Panel Discussion <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">5 min</span>
                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
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                          <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-users p-r_3"></i> Role Type 1</h4>
                          <div class="p-y_3 br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down">
                          <ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                            <li>Marty Little <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                            <li>Eileen Marvin <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                            <li>Chelsea Dach DVM <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                          <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-users p-r_3"></i> Role Type 2</h4>
                          <div class="p-y_3 br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down">
                          <ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                            <li>Wm Price<span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                            <li>Mrs. Jeffrey Cartwright <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                            <li>CEmmett Spencer<span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                          </div>    <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-file-certificate p-r_3"></i> Credits</h4>
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                                  <span class="bg_CNE br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> CNE
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                                  <span class="bg_COP br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> COP
                              </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                                  <span class="bg_MOCII br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> MOCII
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                          <h4 class="font-size_up  c_black-6 font_medium"><i class="fas fa-tag p-r_3"></i>category</h4>
                          <div class="br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid p-y_3 c_black-7 font-size_down">
                              <ul class="ul_inline-comma">
                                <li>Channel 1</li>
                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                              </ul>    </div>
                          <h4 class="font-size_up  c_black-6 font_medium"><i class="fas fa-tags p-r_3"></i>tags</h4>
                          <div class="br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid p-y_3 c_black-7 font-size_down">
                            <ul class="ul_inline-comma">
                              <li>Tag Name 1</li>
                              <li>Daugherty - Larkin</li>
                            </ul>    </div>
                      </aside>        </div>
          Copy Code

          Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 10257

 Channel Player - UP NEXT


          Sub.Attachments.BigButton.Disabled - Attachments Disabled Sub.FacultyList - Faculty List Sub.Player.AuxData - Aux Data Sub.ActionButtons.Favorite.Disabled - Favorite Button Disabled Sub.Player.CIO - CIO Sub.Player.Chat - Chat
          Sub Components in Design:
            Data.Session.Title - Title Data.Session.ID - Session ID Sub.Presentation.List - Presentation List
            Data Elements:


              Default styling

              You have reached the end of this schedule


              End of Current Schedule

              The Current Program has ended for the day. Please check the program for more.

              Check back soon for more information or view past sessions from the On Demand Page.

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              <div class="flex_column flex" id="session_9201">
                  <header class="flex flex_row font_0 font_1:md font_3:lg p-y_3">
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                              <span class="block">
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                          <div class="flex_auto font-size_up-2 p-t_4 p_5 w_100">
                              <h1 class="m-t_4">End of Current Schedule</h1>
                              <p>The Current Program has ended for the day. Please check the program for more.</p>
                              <p>Check back soon for more information or view past sessions from the On Demand Page.</p>
                              <a title="back to program" class="bg_primary nowrap text_center br_radius c_white font-size_down-1 h:bg_primary-n3 h:c_primary-n3 h:c_white h:undecorated p-x_4 p_3" href="../program/" target="_blank">
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              Copy Code

              Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 10309

     Channel Player External Content


              Sub.Attachments.BigButton - Attachments Sub.FacultyList - Faculty List Sub.Player.AuxData - Aux Data Sub.ActionButtons.Favorite - Favorite Button Sub.Player.CIO - CIO Sub.Player.Chat - Chat
              Sub Components in Design:
                Data.Session.Title - Title Data.Session.ID - Session ID Sub.Presentation.List - Presentation List
                Data Elements:


                  Default styling

                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT

                  Session is being held In WebEx

                  The schedule session allows users to engage directly with each other so it will be held in WebEx.

                  Please click the link below and follow any instructions to join the session.



                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                    • Role Type 1:
                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Role Type 2:
                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                    • Role Type 1:
                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Role Type 2:
                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                    • Introduction 1 min
                    • Presentation 25 min
                    • Panel Discussion 5 min
                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                    • Role Type 1:
                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Role Type 2:
                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                    • Role Type 1:
                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Role Type 2:
                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET


                  (1:44 PM) Lovely Day : Chat
                  (2:13 PM) Lovely Day : Chat some more
                  (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
                  (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
                  (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
                  (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.
                  (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.
                  (2:19 PM) Lovely Day : Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.
                  (3:48 PM) Lovely Day : test
                  (3:50 PM) Matt Watier : hello


                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                    • Role Type 1:
                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Role Type 2:
                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                    • Role Type 1:
                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Role Type 2:
                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                    • Introduction 1 min
                    • Presentation 25 min
                    • Panel Discussion 5 min
                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                    • Role Type 1:
                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Role Type 2:
                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                    • Role Type 1:
                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Role Type 2:
                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                  <div class="flex_column flex" id="session_9201">
                      <header class="flex flex_row font_0 font_1:md font_3:lg p-y_3">
                          <h3 class="c_primary-n2 flex_auto font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1 lh_2 m-b_3 m_0 p-l_3:lg w_100">
                                  <span class="block">
                                      <strong class="font_bold p-r_3">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III </span>
                                  <span class="c_accent font-size_down-2 lh_0 inline-block">
                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr>
                              <div class="self_start flex gap_2">
                              <a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 flex_none  grid items_center text_center " ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a>            <a title="download attachments" class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg  p-x_4 p_3 c_white" href="" target="_blank">
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                                <span class="display_none inline-block:md"> Attachments</span>
                              </a>            </div>
                      <section class="page-main fullscreen-player flex flex_row:md flex_column gap-x_4 gap-y_3">
                          <div class="flex_auto w_100">
                              <div class="bg_primary br_round c_white font-size_up m-b_5 m-r_3 p_5 shadow_overlap-light">
                              <h1 class="m-t_4">Session is being held In WebEx</h1>
                              <p>The schedule session allows users to engage directly with each other so it will be held in WebEx.</p>
                              <p>Please click the link below and follow any instructions to join the session.</p>
                              <a title="back to program" class="bg_white block btn btn-hollow btn-outline-secondary font_xbold m-t_5 m_auto max-w_30 shadow_0" href="../program/" target="_blank">
                              <span class="display_none inline-block:md"> Join</span>
                              <i class="fas fa-external-link-alt p-l_3"></i>
                              <section class="p-t_3 display_none block:md">
                                  <div  class="br-b_2 br_0 br_solid br_primary-2">
                                  <h4 class="font-size_up p-x_3 c_primary-n2 font_medium">Presentations</h4>
                                  <ul class="ul_none br-t_1 br_solid br_primary p_0 font_n1 bg_primary-n3">
                                    <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                      <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                      <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                      <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                      <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                      <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                    </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                      <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                      <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                      <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                      <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                      <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                      <div class="br-b_2 br_black-2 br_solid m-b_n3 m-t_3 m-x_n4">
                                        <button class="bg_black-2 bg_transparent br-bl_square br-br_square br_0 br_br_square c_primary-n2 h:c_primary-n4 font-size_down-1 link m-x_4 p-x_4 p-y_3 lh_1" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#extendPresentationData" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="extendPresentationData" data-bs-toggle="collapse">
                                          <i class="a:rotation fa-fw fa-times fas self_center text_center"></i> Presentation Details </button>
                                        <div class="collapse show" id="extendPresentationData" style="">
                                          <div class="bg_black-2 br_none br_square card card-body">
                                            <ul class="ul_none flex flex_column items_stretch">
                                              <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Introduction <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">1 min</span>
                                              <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Presentation <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">25 min</span>
                                              <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Panel Discussion <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">5 min</span>
                                    </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                      <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                      <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                      <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                      <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                      <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                    </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                      <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                      <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                      <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                      <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                      <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                    </li></ul>                </div>
                                  <div class="font_bold font_n4 h_3lh m-b_4 relative uppercase">
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                                    <h4 class="panel-title font_bold font_display c_primary m_0 flex_auto self_center">Chat</h4>
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                                        <div class="msgln">(1:44 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Chat<br></div>
                                        <div class="msgln">(2:13 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Chat some more<br></div>
                                        <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                                        <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                                        <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                                        <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.<br></div>
                                        <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.<br></div>
                                        <div class="msgln">(2:19 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.<br></div>
                                        <div class="msgln">(3:48 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: test<br></div>
                                        <div class="msgln">(3:50 PM) <b> Matt Watier </b>: hello<br></div>
                                <div class="panel-footer flex_none m-t_auto">
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                                            <input type="hidden" name="screen_name" id="screen_name" value=" Matt   Watier ">
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                                      <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                      <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                      <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                      <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                      <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                    </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                      <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                      <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                      <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                      <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                      <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                      <div class="br-b_2 br_black-2 br_solid m-b_n3 m-t_3 m-x_n4">
                                        <button class="bg_black-2 bg_transparent br-bl_square br-br_square br_0 br_br_square c_primary-n2 h:c_primary-n4 font-size_down-1 link m-x_4 p-x_4 p-y_3 lh_1" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#extendPresentationData" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="extendPresentationData" data-bs-toggle="collapse">
                                          <i class="a:rotation fa-fw fa-times fas self_center text_center"></i> Presentation Details </button>
                                        <div class="collapse show" id="extendPresentationData" style="">
                                          <div class="bg_black-2 br_none br_square card card-body">
                                            <ul class="ul_none flex flex_column items_stretch">
                                              <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Introduction <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">1 min</span>
                                              <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Presentation <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">25 min</span>
                                              <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Panel Discussion <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">5 min</span>
                                    </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                      <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                      <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                      <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                      <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                      <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                    </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                      <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                      <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                      <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                      <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                      <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                      <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                    </li></ul>                </div>
                                  <div class="font_bold font_n4 h_3lh m-b_4 relative uppercase">
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                              <aside class="flex_none max-w_20:md max-w_25:lg w_100 p_4 bg_black-1 br_radius self_start shadow_emboss-light font_n1">
                                  <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-users p-r_3"></i> Role Type 1</h4>
                                  <div class="p-y_3 br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down">
                                  <ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                    <li>Marty Little <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li>Eileen Marvin <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li>Chelsea Dach DVM <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-users p-r_3"></i> Role Type 2</h4>
                                  <div class="p-y_3 br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down">
                                  <ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                    <li>Wm Price<span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li>Mrs. Jeffrey Cartwright <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li>CEmmett Spencer<span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  </div>    <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-file-certificate p-r_3"></i> Credits</h4>
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                                      </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                                          <span class="bg_COP br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> COP
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                                      <ul class="ul_inline-comma">
                                        <li>Channel 1</li>
                                        <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                      </ul>    </div>
                                  <h4 class="font-size_up  c_black-6 font_medium"><i class="fas fa-tags p-r_3"></i>tags</h4>
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                                      <li>Tag Name 1</li>
                                      <li>Daugherty - Larkin</li>
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                  Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 10200

         Channel Player - UP NEXT


                  Sub.Attachments.BigButton.Disabled - Attachments Disabled Sub.FacultyList - Faculty List Sub.Player.AuxData - Aux Data Sub.ActionButtons.Favorite.Disabled - Favorite Button Disabled Sub.Player.CIO - CIO Sub.Player.Chat - Chat
                  Sub Components in Design:
                    Data.Session.Title - Title Data.Session.ID - Session ID Sub.Presentation.List - Presentation List
                    Data Elements:


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                      Your Watching Channel "Hot Topics"


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                      3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III Pericardial Myocardial Pericardial Electrocardiographic Electrocardiogram Valvular

                      Starting @ 11:15 a.m. EDT
                      • Channel 1
                      • Navigating Health Care Economics


                      (1:44 PM) Lovely Day : Chat
                      (2:13 PM) Lovely Day : Chat some more
                      (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
                      (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
                      (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
                      (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.
                      (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.
                      (2:19 PM) Lovely Day : Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.
                      (3:48 PM) Lovely Day : test
                      (3:50 PM) Matt Watier : hello
                      <div class="flex_column flex" id="session_9201">
                      	<header class="flex flex_row font_0 font_1:md font_3:lg p-y_3">
                      		<h3 class="c_primary-n2 flex_auto font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1 lh_2 m-b_3 m_0 p-l_3:lg w_100">
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                      				<div class="flex_auto font-size_up-2 p-t_4 p_5 w_100">
                      					<h1 class="m-t_4">No Current Schedule</h1>
                      					<p>The schedule for this channel doesn't have any sessions at this time. Please check back later.</p>
                      					<a title="back to program" class="bg_primary nowrap text_center br_radius c_white font-size_down-1 h:bg_primary-n3 h:c_primary-n3 h:c_white h:undecorated p-x_4 p_3" href="../program/" target="_blank">
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                      					<h2 class="c_primary-n1 font_bold font_display m_0">Coming Soon</h2>
                      					<article class="relative isolation_isolate flex flex_column">
                      					    <div class="bg_white br-t_3 br_radius br_secondary-2 br_solid c_black flex flex_auto flex_column font_0 gap_3 m-b_4 p-t_4 p_4 shadow_emboss-light t_n5 texture_light z_0">
                      					        <h3 class="font_display lh_2 c_secondary-n2 font_0 m_0">
                      					            <strong class="font_bold font-size_down-2 p-r_3 block uppercase c_black-6 m-t_n3">3652</strong>
                      					            <span class="font_display lh_2 c_secondary-n2 m_0 font-size_up-2">
                      					                Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III Pericardial Myocardial Pericardial Electrocardiographic Electrocardiogram Valvular 
                      					    <div class="font_n1 font_ui c_accent-n1">Starting  @ 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr> </div>
                      					    <div class="font_ui font_n3 uppercase c_black-6"><strong class="c_black-5 p-r_2">Category:</strong><ul class="ul_inline-comma">
                      					  <li>Channel 1</li>
                      					  <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                      					</article>				</div>
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                      			          <div class="msgln">(1:44 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Chat<br></div>
                      			          <div class="msgln">(2:13 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Chat some more<br></div>
                      			          <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                      			          <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                      			          <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                      			          <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.<br></div>
                      			          <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.<br></div>
                      			          <div class="msgln">(2:19 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.<br></div>
                      			          <div class="msgln">(3:48 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: test<br></div>
                      			          <div class="msgln">(3:50 PM) <b> Matt Watier </b>: hello<br></div>
                      			  <div class="panel-footer flex_none m-t_auto">
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                      			              <input type="hidden" name="screen_name" id="screen_name" value=" Matt   Watier ">
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                      Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 10382

                      8.2.3 Channel Player:Non Accredited


                      Sub.Attachments.BigButton - Attachments Sub.FacultyList - Faculty List Sub.Player.AuxData.NotAccredited - Aux Data Sub.ActionButtons.Favorite - Favorite Button Sub.Player.CIO - CIO Sub.Player.Chat - Chat
                      Sub Components in Design:
                        Data.Session.Title - Title Data.Session.ID - Session ID Sub.Presentation.List - Presentation List
                        Data Elements:


                          Default styling

                          Industry Session | Nonaccredited: These sessions are ineligible to receive credit

                          3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT



                          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                            • Role Type 1:
                            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Role Type 2:
                            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                            • Role Type 1:
                            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Role Type 2:
                            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                            • Introduction 1 min
                            • Presentation 25 min
                            • Panel Discussion 5 min
                          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                            • Role Type 1:
                            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Role Type 2:
                            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                            • Role Type 1:
                            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Role Type 2:
                            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET


                          (1:44 PM) Lovely Day : Chat
                          (2:13 PM) Lovely Day : Chat some more
                          (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
                          (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
                          (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
                          (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.
                          (2:18 PM) Lovely Day : Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.
                          (2:19 PM) Lovely Day : Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.
                          (3:48 PM) Lovely Day : test
                          (3:50 PM) Matt Watier : hello




                          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                            • Role Type 1:
                            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Role Type 2:
                            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                            • Role Type 1:
                            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Role Type 2:
                            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                            • Introduction 1 min
                            • Presentation 25 min
                            • Panel Discussion 5 min
                          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                            • Role Type 1:
                            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Role Type 2:
                            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                          • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                            • Role Type 1:
                            • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Role Type 2:
                            • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                            • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                            11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                          <div class="flex_column flex" id="session_9201">
                              <div class="bg_secondary-n3 c_white font_bold font_ui p_3 p-x_4 m-b_4 shadow_overlap-light br_radius" > <strong class="font_xbold uppercase"><i class="fas fa-info-circle p-r_3"></i>Industry Session | Nonaccredited</strong>: These sessions are ineligible to receive credit</div>
                              <header class="flex flex_row font_0 font_1:md font_3:lg p-y_3">
                                  <h3 class="c_primary-n2 flex_auto font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1 lh_2 m-b_3 m_0 p-l_3:lg w_100">
                                          <span class="block">
                                              <strong class="font_bold p-r_3">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III </span>
                                          <span class="c_accent font-size_down-2 lh_0 inline-block">
                                          Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr>
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                                          <div class="bg_acc aspect_4x3 c_white text_center  justify_center flex items_center">VIDEO</div>
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                                          <h4 class="font-size_up p-x_3 c_primary-n2 font_medium">Presentations</h4>
                                          <ul class="ul_none br-t_1 br_solid br_primary p_0 font_n1 bg_primary-n3">
                                            <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              <div class="br-b_2 br_black-2 br_solid m-b_n3 m-t_3 m-x_n4">
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                                                  <i class="a:rotation fa-fw fa-times fas self_center text_center"></i> Presentation Details </button>
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                                                  <div class="bg_black-2 br_none br_square card card-body">
                                                    <ul class="ul_none flex flex_column items_stretch">
                                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Introduction <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">1 min</span>
                                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Presentation <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">25 min</span>
                                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Panel Discussion <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">5 min</span>
                                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                            </li></ul>                </div>
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                                                <div class="msgln">(1:44 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Chat<br></div>
                                                <div class="msgln">(2:13 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Chat some more<br></div>
                                                <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                                                <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                                                <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.<br></div>
                                                <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.<br></div>
                                                <div class="msgln">(2:18 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.<br></div>
                                                <div class="msgln">(2:19 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.<br></div>
                                                <div class="msgln">(3:48 PM) <b> Lovely Day </b>: test<br></div>
                                                <div class="msgln">(3:50 PM) <b> Matt Watier </b>: hello<br></div>
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                                          <h4 class="font-size_up p-x_3 c_primary-n2 font_medium">Presentations</h4>
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                                            <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
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                                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
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                                                    <ul class="ul_none flex flex_column items_stretch">
                                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Introduction <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">1 min</span>
                                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Presentation <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">25 min</span>
                                                      <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Panel Discussion <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">5 min</span>
                                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                            </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                              <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                              <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                              <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                              <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                              <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                            </li></ul>                </div>
                                          <div class="font_bold font_n4 h_3lh m-b_4 relative uppercase">
                                              <a class="absolute bg_primary br-bl_radius br-br_radius c_white p-x_3 p_2 r_3 t_n1" href="#session_9201">top</a>
                                      <aside class="flex_none max-w_20:md max-w_25:lg w_100 p_4 bg_black-1 br_radius self_start shadow_emboss-light font_n1">
                                          <div class="bg_secondary-n3 br_radius c_white font-size_down m-b_4 p_3 shadow_overlap-light">
                                           <strong class="font_xbold uppercase"><i class="fas fa-info-circle p-r_3"></i>Industry Session | Nonaccredited</strong>    </div>
                                          <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-users p-r_3"></i> Role Type 1</h4>
                                          <div class="p-y_3 br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down">
                                          <ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                            <li>Marty Little <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                            <li>Eileen Marvin <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                            <li>Chelsea Dach DVM <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                          <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-users p-r_3"></i> Role Type 2</h4>
                                          <div class="p-y_3 br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down">
                                          <ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                            <li>Wm Price<span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                            <li>Mrs. Jeffrey Cartwright <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                            <li>CEmmett Spencer<span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                          </div>    <h4 class="font-size_up  c_black-6 font_medium"><i class="fas fa-tag p-r_3"></i>category</h4>
                                          <div class="br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid p-y_3 c_black-7 font-size_down">
                                              <ul class="ul_inline-comma">
                                                <li>Channel 1</li>
                                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                              </ul>    </div>
                                          <h4 class="font-size_up  c_black-6 font_medium"><i class="fas fa-tags p-r_3"></i>tags</h4>
                                          <div class="br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid p-y_3 c_black-7 font-size_down">
                                            <ul class="ul_inline-comma">
                                              <li>Tag Name 1</li>
                                              <li>Daugherty - Larkin</li>
                                            </ul>    </div>
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                          Copy Code

                          Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 10499

                          8.2.4 On Demand


                          Sub.Award.FlagLegend - Award Flags Sub.Attachments.BigButton - Attachments Sub.FacultyList - Faculty List Sub.Player.AuxData - Aux Data
                          Sub Components in Design:
                            Data.Session.ID - Session ID Data.Session.Title - Session Title Data.Presentation.Title - Presentation Title
                            Data Elements:


                              Default styling

                              3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty

                              VIDEO EMBED
                              • Role Type 1:
                              • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                              • Role Type 2:
                              • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                              • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                              • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                              <div class="flex_column flex">
                                  <header class="flex flex_row font_0 font_1:md font_3:lg p-y_3">
                                      <h3 class="c_primary-n2 flex_auto font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1 lh_2 m-b_3 m_0 p-l_3:lg w_100">
                                      <span class="block font-size_down-2 c_black-6">
                                      <strong class="font_bold p-r_3">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III
                                      <span class="block">
                                                  New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty                </span>
                                          <div class="self_start">
                                          <a title="download attachments" class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg  p-x_4 p_3 c_white" href="" target="_blank">
                                            <i class="far fa-paperclip"></i>
                                            <span class="display_none inline-block:md"> Attachments</span>
                                          </a>            </div>
                                  <section class="page-main fullscreen-player flex flex_row:md flex_column gap-x_4 gap-y_3 ">
                                      <div class="player hd full flex_auto w_100">
                                          <div class="bg_acc aspect_16x9 c_white text_center  justify_center flex items_center">VIDEO EMBED</div>
                                  <section class="flex flex_row:md flex_column gap-x_4 gap-y_3 m-t_4">
                                      <div class="flex_auto w_100 font_n1 p-x_3">
                                          <ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                            <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100">Role Type 1:</li>
                                            <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                            <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100">Role Type 2:</li>
                                            <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                            <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                            <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                          </ul>        </div>
                                      <div class="flex_auto max-w_25:lg max-w_20:md w_100 flex flex_column gap-y_3 justify_start">
                                          <aside class="flex_none max-w_20:md max-w_25:lg w_100 p_4 bg_black-1 br_radius self_start shadow_emboss-light font_n1">
                                              <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-users p-r_3"></i> Role Type 1</h4>
                                              <div class="p-y_3 br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down">
                                              <ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li>Marty Little <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Eileen Marvin <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Chelsea Dach DVM <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-users p-r_3"></i> Role Type 2</h4>
                                              <div class="p-y_3 br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down">
                                              <ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li>Wm Price<span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Mrs. Jeffrey Cartwright <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>CEmmett Spencer<span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                              </div>    <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-file-certificate p-r_3"></i> Credits</h4>
                                              <div class="p-y_3 br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down-1">
                                                <ul class=" gap-x_3 gap-y_3 justify_end:md justify_start self_center ul_inline-pipe uppercase">
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                                                  </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
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                                                  </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                                                      <span class="bg_COP br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> COP
                                                  </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                                                      <span class="bg_MOCII br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> MOCII
                                                  </li></ul>    </div>
                                              <h4 class="font-size_up  c_black-6 font_medium"><i class="fas fa-tag p-r_3"></i>category</h4>
                                              <div class="br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid p-y_3 c_black-7 font-size_down">
                                                  <ul class="ul_inline-comma">
                                                    <li>Channel 1</li>
                                                    <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                                  </ul>    </div>
                                              <h4 class="font-size_up  c_black-6 font_medium"><i class="fas fa-tags p-r_3"></i>tags</h4>
                                              <div class="br-t_1  br_primary-2 br_solid p-y_3 c_black-7 font-size_down">
                                                <ul class="ul_inline-comma">
                                                  <li>Tag Name 1</li>
                                                  <li>Daugherty - Larkin</li>
                                                </ul>    </div>
                                          </aside>        </div>
                              Copy Code

                              Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 10608

                              8.3.1 Search Bar with Filter


                              Search filter

                              Sub.CollapseIcon.NoText - Collapse Icon Sub.Search.Faceted - Search Facet Group Sub.Search.Bar - Search Bar Sub.Search.ResultOverview - Search Result Overview Sub.Pagination - Pagination Program.Session - Session Program.Session.Shell - Session Shell Program.Session.Collapsible - Session Collapsible
                              Sub Components in Design:


                                Default styling


                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics
                                  • Category Tag

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • CME
                                  • CNE
                                  • COP
                                  • MOCII
                                  • Industry Theater
                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  Industry Session | Nonaccredited
                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics
                                  • Category Tag

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • 30 minutes
                                  • 4 presentations


                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                    • Introduction 1 min
                                    • Presentation 25 min
                                    • Panel Discussion 5 min
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • CME
                                  • CNE
                                  • COP
                                  • MOCII
                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics
                                  • Category Tag

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)


                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                    • Introduction 1 min
                                    • Presentation 25 min
                                    • Panel Discussion 5 min
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • CME
                                  • CNE
                                  • COP
                                  • MOCII
                                  • Industry Theater
                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  Industry Session | Nonaccredited
                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics
                                  • Category Tag

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • CME
                                  • CNE
                                  • COP
                                  • MOCII
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                                                        <strong class="font_bold p-r_2">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III
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                                                            New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty                        </span>
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                                                 <div class="font_medium m-b_3"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
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                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
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                                                        <strong class="font_bold p-r_2">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III
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                                                 <div class="font_medium m-b_3"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                <div class="font-size_down-1"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
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                                            <strong class="font_xbold uppercase"><i class="fas fa-info-circle p-r_3"></i>Industry Session | Nonaccredited</strong>        </div>
                                            <li> <article class="c_black font_0 m-b_4 br-t_3 br_solid br_primary-2 br_radius isolation_isolate shadow_overlap-light bg_white" id="session_8197">
                                    <div class="br_1 br-b_0 br-tr_radius br-tl_radius br_solid br_black-3 flex flex_column font_ui m-t_n2 relative">
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                                              <ul class="ul_inline-pipe">
                                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                                <li>Category Tag</li>
                                            </div>            <div class="p_4 p-b_2 flex flex_column flex_row:lg gap-x_4 gap-x_5:lg">
                                                    <h3 class="font_display m-b_3 lh_2 c_primary-n2 font_2 p-r_4:lg">
                                                        <span class="block font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1">
                                                            <strong class="font_bold p-r_3">3652</strong>
                                                            Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III                        </span>
                                                    <div class="font_0 font_ui"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                    <div class="font_n1 font_ui"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 ">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  ">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <div class="flex_grow m-x_auto m-l_auto:lg m-r_0:lg w_100 max-w_20:md">
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                                                    <li class="inline-block p-r_3 p_2"><span class="font-size_up c_primary-n2 block"><i class="fal fa-clock"></i> 30</span> minutes</li>
                                                    <li class="inline-block p-r_3 p_2"><span class="font-size_up c_primary-n2 z_2 block">4</span> presentations</li>
                                            <div id="collapseExample" class="collapse">
                                            <h4 class="font-size_up p-x_3 c_primary-n2 font_medium">Presentations</h4>
                                            <ul class="ul_none br-t_1 br_solid br_primary p_0 font_n1 bg_primary-n3">
                                              <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                                <div class="br-b_2 br_black-2 br_solid m-b_n3 m-t_3 m-x_n4">
                                                  <button class="bg_black-2 bg_transparent br-bl_square br-br_square br_0 br_br_square c_primary-n2 h:c_primary-n4 font-size_down-1 link m-x_4 p-x_4 p-y_3 lh_1" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#extendPresentationData" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="extendPresentationData" data-bs-toggle="collapse">
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                                                    <div class="bg_black-2 br_none br_square card card-body">
                                                      <ul class="ul_none flex flex_column items_stretch">
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Introduction <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">1 min</span>
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Presentation <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">25 min</span>
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Panel Discussion <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">5 min</span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li></ul>            </div>
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                                                  <span class="bg_CME br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> CME
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                                                  <span class="bg_CNE br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> CNE
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                                                  <span class="bg_COP br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> COP
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                                        <div><a class="absolute bg_primary br-bl_radius br-br_radius c_white p-x_3 p_2 r_3 t_0" href="#session_8197">top</a></div>
                                            <li> <article class="c_black font_0 m-b_4 br-t_3 br_solid br_primary-2 br_radius isolation_isolate shadow_overlap-light bg_white">
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                                              <ul class="ul_inline-pipe">
                                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                                <li>Category Tag</li>
                                            </div>            <div class="p_4 p-b_2 flex flex_column flex_row:lg gap-x_4 gap-x_5:lg">
                                                    <h3 class="font_display m-b_3 lh_2 c_primary-n2 font_2 p-r_4:lg">
                                                        <span class="block font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1">
                                                            <strong class="font_bold p-r_3">3652</strong>
                                                            Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III                        </span>
                                                    <div class="font_0 font_ui"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                    <div class="font_n1 font_ui"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 ">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  ">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <div class="flex_grow m-x_auto m-l_auto:lg m-r_0:lg w_100 max-w_20:md">
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                                            <h4 class="font-size_up p-x_3 c_primary-n2 font_medium">Presentations</h4>
                                            <ul class="ul_none br-t_1 br_solid br_primary p_0 font_n1 bg_primary-n3">
                                              <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                                <div class="br-b_2 br_black-2 br_solid m-b_n3 m-t_3 m-x_n4">
                                                  <button class="bg_black-2 bg_transparent br-bl_square br-br_square br_0 br_br_square c_primary-n2 h:c_primary-n4 font-size_down-1 link m-x_4 p-x_4 p-y_3 lh_1" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#extendPresentationData" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="extendPresentationData" data-bs-toggle="collapse">
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                                                    <div class="bg_black-2 br_none br_square card card-body">
                                                      <ul class="ul_none flex flex_column items_stretch">
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Introduction <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">1 min</span>
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Presentation <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">25 min</span>
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Panel Discussion <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">5 min</span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
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                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
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                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li></ul>        </div>
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                                                <li>Industry Theater</li>
                                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
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                                                    <h2 class="font_n1 uppercase c_black-7">
                                                        <strong class="font_bold p-r_2">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III
                                                    <h3 class="font_display m-b_3 lh_2 c_primary-n2 font_2 p-r_4:lg">
                                                        <span class="block font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1">
                                                            New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty                        </span>
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                                            <div class="p-x_4 p-b_4 flex flex_column font_0 font_copy">
                                                 <div class="font_medium m-b_3"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                <div class="font-size_down-1"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
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                                            <strong class="font_xbold uppercase"><i class="fas fa-info-circle p-r_3"></i>Industry Session | Nonaccredited</strong>        </div>
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                                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                                <li>Category Tag</li>
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                                                    <h2 class="font_n1 uppercase c_black-7">
                                                        <strong class="font_bold p-r_2">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III
                                                    <h3 class="font_display m-b_3 lh_2 c_primary-n2 font_2 p-r_4:lg">
                                                        <span class="block font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1">
                                                            New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty                        </span>
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                                            <div class="p-x_4 p-b_4 flex flex_column font_0 font_copy">
                                                 <div class="font_medium m-b_3"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                 <div class="font-size_down-1"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
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                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics
                                  • Category Tag

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • CME
                                  • CNE
                                  • COP
                                  • MOCII
                                  • Industry Theater
                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  Industry Session | Nonaccredited
                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics
                                  • Category Tag

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • 30 minutes
                                  • 4 presentations


                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                    • Introduction 1 min
                                    • Presentation 25 min
                                    • Panel Discussion 5 min
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • CME
                                  • CNE
                                  • COP
                                  • MOCII
                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics
                                  • Category Tag

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)


                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                    • Introduction 1 min
                                    • Presentation 25 min
                                    • Panel Discussion 5 min
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty
                                    • Role Type 1:
                                    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Role Type 2:
                                    • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                    11:45 – 11:49 a.m. ET
                                  • CME
                                  • CNE
                                  • COP
                                  • MOCII
                                  • Industry Theater
                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  Industry Session | Nonaccredited
                                  • Navigating Health Care Economics
                                  • Category Tag

                                  3652 Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III

                                  New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty

                                  Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
                                  • Session Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Session Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 1:
                                  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Role Type 2:
                                  • Dianna Denesik III ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Miguel Romaguera ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • Jeanette Franecki ( New York, NY, USA)
                                  • CME
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                                  • COP
                                  • MOCII
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                                                        <strong class="font_bold p-r_2">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III
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                                                            New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty                        </span>
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                                                 <div class="font_medium m-b_3"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                 <div class="font-size_down-1"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
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                                                  <span class="bg_COP br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> COP
                                              </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                                                  <span class="bg_MOCII br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> MOCII
                                              </li></ul>        </div>
                                            <li> <article class="c_black font_0 m-b_4 br-t_3 br_solid br_primary-2 br_radius isolation_isolate shadow_overlap-light bg_white br_secondary-n2">
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                                            <ul class="ul_inline-pipe">
                                                <li>Industry Theater</li>
                                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                            <div class="p_4 p-b_2 flex flex_column flex_row:lg gap-x_4 gap-x_5:lg">
                                                    <h2 class="font_n1 uppercase c_black-7">
                                                        <strong class="font_bold p-r_2">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III
                                                    <h3 class="font_display m-b_3 lh_2 c_primary-n2 font_2 p-r_4:lg">
                                                        <span class="block font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1">
                                                            New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty                        </span>
                                                <div class="flex_grow m-x_auto m-l_auto:lg m-r_0:lg w_100 max-w_20:md">
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                                            <div class="p-x_4 p-b_4 flex flex_column font_0 font_copy">
                                                 <div class="font_medium m-b_3"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                <div class="font-size_down-1"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <div class="c_black flex flex_wrap font_n3 justify_start p_3 br-br_radius br-bl_radius bg_black-2 br_solid br_1 br-t_0 br_black-3">
                                        <div class="flex_grow uppercase m-l_auto c_secondary-n2">
                                            <strong class="font_xbold uppercase"><i class="fas fa-info-circle p-r_3"></i>Industry Session | Nonaccredited</strong>        </div>
                                            <li> <article class="c_black font_0 m-b_4 br-t_3 br_solid br_primary-2 br_radius isolation_isolate shadow_overlap-light bg_white" id="session_8197">
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                                            <div class="font_n3 p_2 uppercase bg_primary-2 p-x_4 m-x_4 inline-block br-br_radius br-bl_radius c_white font_bold self_start ">
                                              <ul class="ul_inline-pipe">
                                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                                <li>Category Tag</li>
                                            </div>            <div class="p_4 p-b_2 flex flex_column flex_row:lg gap-x_4 gap-x_5:lg">
                                                    <h3 class="font_display m-b_3 lh_2 c_primary-n2 font_2 p-r_4:lg">
                                                        <span class="block font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1">
                                                            <strong class="font_bold p-r_3">3652</strong>
                                                            Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III                        </span>
                                                    <div class="font_0 font_ui"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                    <div class="font_n1 font_ui"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 ">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  ">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <div class="flex_grow m-x_auto m-l_auto:lg m-r_0:lg w_100 max-w_20:md">
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                                                    <li class="inline-block p-r_3 p_2"><span class="font-size_up c_primary-n2 block"><i class="fal fa-clock"></i> 30</span> minutes</li>
                                                    <li class="inline-block p-r_3 p_2"><span class="font-size_up c_primary-n2 z_2 block">4</span> presentations</li>
                                            <div id="collapseExample" class="collapse">
                                            <h4 class="font-size_up p-x_3 c_primary-n2 font_medium">Presentations</h4>
                                            <ul class="ul_none br-t_1 br_solid br_primary p_0 font_n1 bg_primary-n3">
                                              <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                                <div class="br-b_2 br_black-2 br_solid m-b_n3 m-t_3 m-x_n4">
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                                                      <ul class="ul_none flex flex_column items_stretch">
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Introduction <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">1 min</span>
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Presentation <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">25 min</span>
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Panel Discussion <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">5 min</span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li></ul>            </div>
                                    <div class="c_black flex flex_wrap font_n3 justify_start p_3 br-br_radius br-bl_radius bg_black-2 br_solid br_1 br-t_0 br_black-3 relative">
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                                            <ul class=" gap-x_3 gap-y_3 justify_end:md justify_start self_center ul_inline-pipe uppercase">
                                              <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                                                  <span class="bg_CME br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> CME
                                              </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                                                  <span class="bg_CNE br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> CNE
                                              </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                                                  <span class="bg_COP br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> COP
                                              </li>  <li class="inline-flex items_center lh_0">
                                                  <span class="bg_MOCII br_1 br_black-3 br_circle br_solid  m-r_2" style=" height: 1em; width: 1em;"></span> MOCII
                                              </li></ul>        </div>
                                        <div><a class="absolute bg_primary br-bl_radius br-br_radius c_white p-x_3 p_2 r_3 t_0" href="#session_8197">top</a></div>
                                            <li> <article class="c_black font_0 m-b_4 br-t_3 br_solid br_primary-2 br_radius isolation_isolate shadow_overlap-light bg_white">
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                                              <ul class="ul_inline-pipe">
                                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                                <li>Category Tag</li>
                                            </div>            <div class="p_4 p-b_2 flex flex_column flex_row:lg gap-x_4 gap-x_5:lg">
                                                    <h3 class="font_display m-b_3 lh_2 c_primary-n2 font_2 p-r_4:lg">
                                                        <span class="block font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1">
                                                            <strong class="font_bold p-r_3">3652</strong>
                                                            Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III                        </span>
                                                    <div class="font_0 font_ui"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                    <div class="font_n1 font_ui"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 ">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  ">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <div class="flex_grow m-x_auto m-l_auto:lg m-r_0:lg w_100 max-w_20:md">
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                                            <h4 class="font-size_up p-x_3 c_primary-n2 font_medium">Presentations</h4>
                                            <ul class="ul_none br-t_1 br_solid br_primary p_0 font_n1 bg_primary-n3">
                                              <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
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                                                      <ul class="ul_none flex flex_column items_stretch">
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Introduction <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">1 min</span>
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Presentation <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">25 min</span>
                                                        <li class="br-b_1 br_solid br_black-3"> Panel Discussion <span class="c_primary font_bold float_right">5 min</span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
                                                <div class="float_right inline p_3 m-r_n3 m-t_n3"><a href="#" aria-label="mark as favorite" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm flex_none a:bg_alert-n2  h:bg_alert-n4 font-size_down-2" ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></a></div>
                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li>  <li class="br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid p-x_4 p-y_3 m_0 lh_2 bg_white relative font_ui">
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                                                <span data-title="title" class="font-size_up-1 inline font_display lh_2">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty</span>
                                                <span class="font-size-down "><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 1:</li>
                                                <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100  block w_100 font-size_down-1">Role Type 2:</li>
                                                <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                                <span class="font-size-down-1 c_accent-n1 font_italic block">11:45 – 11:49 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, UTC -4">ET</abbr></span>
                                              </li></ul>        </div>
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                                            <li> <article class="c_black font_0 m-b_4 br-t_3 br_solid br_primary-2 br_radius isolation_isolate shadow_overlap-light bg_white br_secondary-n2">
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                                                <li>Industry Theater</li>
                                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                            <div class="p_4 p-b_2 flex flex_column flex_row:lg gap-x_4 gap-x_5:lg">
                                                    <h2 class="font_n1 uppercase c_black-7">
                                                        <strong class="font_bold p-r_2">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III
                                                    <h3 class="font_display m-b_3 lh_2 c_primary-n2 font_2 p-r_4:lg">
                                                        <span class="block font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1">
                                                            New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty                        </span>
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                                                    <aside class="flex flex_none flex_column gap-y_3 m-x_auto:md  max-w_30:md p-b_4 p-b_4:md w_100">
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                                            <div class="p-x_4 p-b_4 flex flex_column font_0 font_copy">
                                                 <div class="font_medium m-b_3"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                <div class="font-size_down-1"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
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                                            <strong class="font_xbold uppercase"><i class="fas fa-info-circle p-r_3"></i>Industry Session | Nonaccredited</strong>        </div>
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                                                <li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
                                                <li>Category Tag</li>
                                            </div>            <div class="p_4 p-b_2 flex flex_column flex_row:lg gap-x_4 gap-x_5:lg">
                                                    <h2 class="font_n1 uppercase c_black-7">
                                                        <strong class="font_bold p-r_2">3652</strong> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III
                                                    <h3 class="font_display m-b_3 lh_2 c_primary-n2 font_2 p-r_4:lg">
                                                        <span class="block font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1">
                                                            New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of Session and Faculty                        </span>
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                                            <div class="p-x_4 p-b_4 flex flex_column font_0 font_copy">
                                                 <div class="font_medium m-b_3"><span class="c_accent-n2">Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021  @ 11:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. <abbr title="EASTERN TIME, UTC -4">EDT</abbr></span></div>
                                                 <div class="font-size_down-1"><ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Session Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Session Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                    <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 inline">Role Type 1:</li>
                                  <li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1  inline">Role Type 2:</li>
                                  <li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
                                  <li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
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                                8.3.3 No Results


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                                Sub.CollapseIcon.NoText - Collapse Icon Sub.Search.Faceted - Search Facet Group Sub.Search.Bar - Search Bar Sub.Search.ResultOverview - Search Result Overview Sub.Pagination - Pagination Program.Session.NoResults - No Result Response
                                Sub Components in Design:


                                  Default styling


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                                  Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 10549

                                  8.4 Page Layouts

                                  Combination Patterns to split up the page into sections.

                                  Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 11846

                                  8.4.1 Side Bar Area

                                  This pattern is often used to push the sidebar bellow the main content area.


                                  Default styling

                                  Layout Zone: Sidebar
                                  Layout Zone: Main
                                  <div class="flex flex_row:md flex_column-reverse gap_4 gap_5:lg">
                                      <div class="flex_auto flex_100 max-w_20:lg">
                                      <div class="h_30 c_accent-n4 font_xbold font_3 br_accent bg_accent-5 br_dashed br_1 m_3 p_5 grid items_center justify_center">Layout Zone: Sidebar</div>    </div>
                                      <div class="flex_auto flex_100 ">
                                      <div class="h_30 c_accent-n4 font_xbold font_3 br_accent bg_accent-5 br_dashed br_1 m_3 p_5 grid items_center justify_center">Layout Zone: Main</div>    </div>
                                  Copy Code

                                  Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 11869

                                  8.4.2 Side Bar Area With Ad

                                  This pattern is often used to push the sidebar bellow the main content area.


                                  Default styling

                                  Layout Zone: Sidebar
                                  Layout Zone: Main
                                  Layout Zone: Ad Rail
                                  <div class="flex flex_row:lg flex_column gap_4 gap_5:lg">
                                      <div class="flex_auto flex_100 flex flex_row:md flex_column-reverse gap_4 gap_5:lg">
                                          <div class="flex_auto flex_100 max-w_20:md">
                                              <div class="h_30 c_accent-n4 font_xbold font_3 br_accent bg_accent-5 br_dashed br_1 m_3 p_5 grid items_center justify_center">Layout Zone: Sidebar</div>        </div>
                                          <div class="flex_auto flex_100">
                                              <div class="h_30 c_accent-n4 font_xbold font_3 br_accent bg_accent-5 br_dashed br_1 m_3 p_5 grid items_center justify_center">Layout Zone: Main</div>        </div>
                                      <div class="flex_auto flex_100 max_w-100 max-w_10:lg">
                                          <div class="h_30 c_accent-n4 font_xbold font_3 br_accent bg_accent-5 br_dashed br_1 m_3 p_5 grid items_center justify_center">Layout Zone: Ad Rail</div>    </div>
                                  Copy Code

                                  Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 11801

                                  8.4.3 Content Filler

                                  This is a styleguide only element to show structure edges.


                                  Default styling

                                  Layout Zone:
                                  <div class="h_30 c_accent-n4 font_xbold font_3 br_accent bg_accent-5 br_dashed br_1 m_3 p_5 grid items_center justify_center">Layout Zone: </div>
                                  Copy Code

                                  Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 11816

                                  8.4.4 Grid Filler

                                  This is a styleguide only element to show structure edges.


                                  Default styling

                                  Grid Area:
                                  <div class="w_auto h_100p c_highlight-n4 font_xbold font_3 br_dotted br_highlight bg_highlight-5 br_1 grid items_center justify_center lh_0 overflow_ellipsis">Grid Area: </div>
                                  Copy Code

                                  Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 11831

                                  8.4.5 Sub Grid Filler

                                  This is a styleguide only element to show structure edges.


                                  Default styling

                                  Grid Area:
                                  <div class="w_auto h_100p c_success-n4 font_xbold font_3 br_dotted br_success bg_success-5 br_1 grid items_center justify_center lh_0 overflow_ellipsis">Grid Area: </div>
                                  Copy Code