Arches: Virtual ACC

Arches:Virtual ACC

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology


Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 9869

4.1.1 Award Premiere

The Premiere award is a special award that includes additional information about the award and the awardee. The content can be html and event include embeds of video and images.


Default styling

  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
    New York, NY, USA
    Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Non, consequuntur similique quibusdam deleniti fuga, ad laudantium vel assumenda incidunt impedit iure molestias! Et laboriosam nulla ut at officia ipsa quaerat?

    • Ut reiciendis et possimus rerum animi.
    • Reprehenderit quia et eaque cupiditate illo explicabo architecto.
    • Et cumque distinctio maxime maiores aut labore ut est esse.

    Et quia saepe corporis explicabo consectetur voluptatem iure. Quos nostrum autem. Et omnis nostrum eius autem aut voluptas illum. Et autem velit facere explicabo reiciendis voluptas. Ipsum vel et nisi in iste molestias sit. Eos et aut est ullam.

    Watch Video
  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
    New York, NY, USA
    Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Non, consequuntur similique quibusdam deleniti fuga, ad laudantium vel assumenda incidunt impedit iure molestias! Et laboriosam nulla ut at officia ipsa quaerat?

    • Ut reiciendis et possimus rerum animi.
    • Reprehenderit quia et eaque cupiditate illo explicabo architecto.
    • Et cumque distinctio maxime maiores aut labore ut est esse.

    Et quia saepe corporis explicabo consectetur voluptatem iure. Quos nostrum autem. Et omnis nostrum eius autem aut voluptas illum. Et autem velit facere explicabo reiciendis voluptas. Ipsum vel et nisi in iste molestias sit. Eos et aut est ullam.

    Watch Video
<ul class="ul_none m_0 m-b_4 p_0 grid columns_3:lg gap_5">
	<li data-name="award__container" class=" flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 br_radius br_black-3 br_solid br_1 flex_column flex_column:lg flex_row:md  shadow_overlap-light">
		<div data-name="awardee" class="font_3:lg font_2:md font_1 flex_column bg_white-8 p_3 br_radius shadow_n1 p-t_4 br_solid br_black-1 br_1 flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_round br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden shadow_bevel-light max-w_20">
				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
				/>	</div>
			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
					New York, NY, USA		</div>
		</div>		<div data-name="award__detail" class="font_0">
		<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font_medium font_display c_primary-n3 lh_1 m-b_2 m-t_3 font-size_up-1">
				Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion			</div>
			<div data-name="awardee__description" class="reading-typography m_4 ">
				<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Non, consequuntur similique quibusdam deleniti fuga, ad laudantium vel assumenda incidunt impedit iure molestias! Et laboriosam nulla ut at officia ipsa quaerat?</p>
				<li>Ut reiciendis et possimus rerum animi.</li>
				<li>Reprehenderit quia et eaque cupiditate illo explicabo architecto.</li>
				<li>Et cumque distinctio maxime maiores aut labore ut est esse.</li>
				<p>Et quia saepe corporis explicabo consectetur voluptatem iure. Quos nostrum autem. Et omnis nostrum eius autem aut voluptas illum. Et autem velit facere explicabo reiciendis voluptas. Ipsum vel et nisi in iste molestias sit. Eos et aut est ullam.</p>
				<a href="" target="_blank">Watch Video</a>			</div>
	<li data-name="award__container" class=" flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 br_radius br_black-3 br_solid br_1 flex_column flex_column:lg flex_row:md shadow_overlap-light">
		<div data-name="awardee" class="font_3:lg font_2:md font_1 flex_column bg_white-8 p_3 br_radius shadow_n1 p-t_4 br_solid br_black-1 br_1 flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_round br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden shadow_bevel-light max-w_20">
				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
				/>	</div>
			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
					New York, NY, USA		</div>
		</div>		<div data-name="award__detail" class="font_0">
		<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font_medium font_display c_primary-n3 lh_1 m-b_2 m-t_3 font-size_up-1">
				Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion			</div>
			<div data-name="awardee__description" class="reading-typography m_4 ">
				<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Non, consequuntur similique quibusdam deleniti fuga, ad laudantium vel assumenda incidunt impedit iure molestias! Et laboriosam nulla ut at officia ipsa quaerat?</p>
				<li>Ut reiciendis et possimus rerum animi.</li>
				<li>Reprehenderit quia et eaque cupiditate illo explicabo architecto.</li>
				<li>Et cumque distinctio maxime maiores aut labore ut est esse.</li>
				<p>Et quia saepe corporis explicabo consectetur voluptatem iure. Quos nostrum autem. Et omnis nostrum eius autem aut voluptas illum. Et autem velit facere explicabo reiciendis voluptas. Ipsum vel et nisi in iste molestias sit. Eos et aut est ullam.</p>
				<a href="" target="_blank">Watch Video</a>			</div>
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  • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
    New York, NY, USA
    Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Non, consequuntur similique quibusdam deleniti fuga, ad laudantium vel assumenda incidunt impedit iure molestias! Et laboriosam nulla ut at officia ipsa quaerat?

    • Ut reiciendis et possimus rerum animi.
    • Reprehenderit quia et eaque cupiditate illo explicabo architecto.
    • Et cumque distinctio maxime maiores aut labore ut est esse.

    Et quia saepe corporis explicabo consectetur voluptatem iure. Quos nostrum autem. Et omnis nostrum eius autem aut voluptas illum. Et autem velit facere explicabo reiciendis voluptas. Ipsum vel et nisi in iste molestias sit. Eos et aut est ullam.

    Watch Video
  • <li data-name="award__container" class=" flex_row:md flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 br_radius br_black-3 br_solid br_1 flex_column shadow_overlap-light">
    	<div data-name="awardee" class="font_3:lg font_2:md font_1 flex_column bg_white-8 p_3 br_radius shadow_n1 p-t_4 br_solid br_black-1 br_1 flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    		<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_round br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden shadow_bevel-light max-w_20">
    			    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    			    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    			/>	</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    			<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    				Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    				Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    				New York, NY, USA		</div>
    	</div>	<div data-name="award__detail" class="font_0">
    		<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font_medium font_display c_primary-n3 lh_1 m-b_2 m-t_3 font-size_up-1">
    			Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__description" class="reading-typography m_4 ">
    			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Non, consequuntur similique quibusdam deleniti fuga, ad laudantium vel assumenda incidunt impedit iure molestias! Et laboriosam nulla ut at officia ipsa quaerat?</p>
    			<li>Ut reiciendis et possimus rerum animi.</li>
    			<li>Reprehenderit quia et eaque cupiditate illo explicabo architecto.</li>
    			<li>Et cumque distinctio maxime maiores aut labore ut est esse.</li>
    			<p>Et quia saepe corporis explicabo consectetur voluptatem iure. Quos nostrum autem. Et omnis nostrum eius autem aut voluptas illum. Et autem velit facere explicabo reiciendis voluptas. Ipsum vel et nisi in iste molestias sit. Eos et aut est ullam.</p>
    			<a href="" target="_blank">Watch Video</a>		</div>
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    • Video EMBED
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Video EMBED
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Video EMBED
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    <ul class="ul_none m_0 m-b_4 p_0 grid columns_3:lg columns_2:md columns_1 gap_4">
    <li data-name="award__container" class=" flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 br_radius br_black-3 br_solid br_1 flex_column shadow_overlap-light">
    	<div data-name="awardee" class="font_2:lg font_1:md font_0 flex_column flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    		<div data-name="awardee__video" class=" overflow_hidden shadow_bevel-light w_100">
    			<div class="player hd full w_100">
    				<div class="bg_acc aspect_4x3 c_white text_center  justify_center flex items_center">Video EMBED</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    			<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    				Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    				Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    				New York, NY, USA		</div>
    <li data-name="award__container" class=" flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 br_radius br_black-3 br_solid br_1 flex_column shadow_overlap-light">
    	<div data-name="awardee" class="font_2:lg font_1:md font_0 flex_column flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    		<div data-name="awardee__video" class=" overflow_hidden shadow_bevel-light w_100">
    			<div class="player hd full w_100">
    				<div class="bg_acc aspect_4x3 c_white text_center  justify_center flex items_center">Video EMBED</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    			<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    				Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    				Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    				New York, NY, USA		</div>
    <li data-name="award__container" class=" flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 br_radius br_black-3 br_solid br_1 flex_column shadow_overlap-light">
    	<div data-name="awardee" class="font_2:lg font_1:md font_0 flex_column flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    		<div data-name="awardee__video" class=" overflow_hidden shadow_bevel-light w_100">
    			<div class="player hd full w_100">
    				<div class="bg_acc aspect_4x3 c_white text_center  justify_center flex items_center">Video EMBED</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    			<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    				Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    				Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    				New York, NY, USA		</div>
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    Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 9968 Award + Status

    Awards are blocks design to display the awards for the conference.


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    Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion [Column]

    • 1st place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • 2st place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • 2st place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • 2st place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • 2st place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • 2st place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA

    Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion [Row]

    • 1st place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • 2nd place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • 2nd place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • 1st place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • 2nd place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • 2nd place
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    <h2 class="font_3:lg font_2 font_display font_bold c_primary-n3">Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion [Column]</h2>
    <ul class="ul_none m_0 m-b_4 p_0 grid columns_4:lg gap_4 columns_3:md columns_1">
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1">
    		<div class="absolute nowrap overflow_ellipsis bg_acc br-bl_radius br-br_radius br_1 br_solid br_square br_white-4 c_white font_xbold p-t_3 p-x_4 p_3 r_4 r_5:lg shadow_overlap-light uppercase t_n1 text_center">1<sup>st</sup> place</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_1:lg font_0 m-t_5 flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1">
    		<div class="absolute nowrap overflow_ellipsis bg_acc br-bl_radius br-br_radius br_1 br_solid br_square br_white-4 c_white font_xbold p-t_3 p-x_4 p_3 r_4 r_5:lg shadow_overlap-light uppercase t_n1 text_center">2<sup>st</sup> place</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_1:lg font_0 m-t_5 flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				<div class="aspect_1x1 w_100 grid text_center items_center justify_center bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10" data-name="awardee__no_image">
    				<span class="fa-stack"> <i class="fa-user fas fa-stack-2x"></i> <i style="font-size: 70%;top: 25%;" class="fa-medal fas fa-stack-1x"></i></span>
    				</div>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    		<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1">
    		<div class="absolute nowrap overflow_ellipsis bg_acc br-bl_radius br-br_radius br_1 br_solid br_square br_white-4 c_white font_xbold p-t_3 p-x_4 p_3 r_4 r_5:lg shadow_overlap-light uppercase t_n1 text_center">2<sup>st</sup> place</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_1:lg font_0 m-t_5 flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				<div class="aspect_1x1 w_100 grid text_center items_center justify_center bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10" data-name="awardee__no_image">
    				<span class="fa-stack"> <i class="fa-user fas fa-stack-2x"></i> <i style="font-size: 70%;top: 25%;" class="fa-medal fas fa-stack-1x"></i></span>
    				</div>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1">
    		<div class="absolute nowrap overflow_ellipsis bg_acc br-bl_radius br-br_radius br_1 br_solid br_square br_white-4 c_white font_xbold p-t_3 p-x_4 p_3 r_4 r_5:lg shadow_overlap-light uppercase t_n1 text_center">2<sup>st</sup> place</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_1:lg font_0 m-t_5 flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				<div class="aspect_1x1 w_100 grid text_center items_center justify_center bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10" data-name="awardee__no_image">
    				<span class="fa-stack"> <i class="fa-user fas fa-stack-2x"></i> <i style="font-size: 70%;top: 25%;" class="fa-medal fas fa-stack-1x"></i></span>
    				</div>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1">
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    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_1:lg font_0 m-t_5 flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				<div class="aspect_1x1 w_100 grid text_center items_center justify_center bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10" data-name="awardee__no_image">
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    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    		<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1">
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    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_1:lg font_0 m-t_5 flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				<div class="aspect_1x1 w_100 grid text_center items_center justify_center bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10" data-name="awardee__no_image">
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    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    <h2 class="font_3:lg font_2 font_display font_bold c_primary-n3">Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion [Row]</h2>
    <ul class="ul_none m_0 m-b_4 p_0 grid columns_2:lg columns_1  gap_4">
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column flex_row:md relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1 m-b_3">
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    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_1:lg font_0 items_start m-t_5 m-t_0:lg flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column flex_row:md relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1 m-b_3">
    		<div class="absolute nowrap overflow_ellipsis bg_acc br-bl_radius br-br_radius br_1 br_solid br_square br_white-4 c_white font_xbold p-t_3 p-x_4 p_3 r_4 r_5:lg shadow_overlap-light uppercase t_n1 text_center">2<sup>nd</sup> place</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_1:lg font_0 items_start m-t_5 m-t_0:lg flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				<div class="aspect_1x1 w_100 grid text_center items_center justify_center bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10" data-name="awardee__no_image">
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    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column flex_row:md relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1 m-b_3">
    		<div class="absolute nowrap overflow_ellipsis bg_acc br-bl_radius br-br_radius br_1 br_solid br_square br_white-4 c_white font_xbold p-t_3 p-x_4 p_3 r_4 r_5:lg shadow_overlap-light uppercase t_n1 text_center">2<sup>nd</sup> place</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_1:lg font_0 items_start m-t_5 m-t_0:lg flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				<div class="aspect_1x1 w_100 grid text_center items_center justify_center bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10" data-name="awardee__no_image">
    				<span class="fa-stack"> <i class="fa-user fas fa-stack-2x"></i> <i style="font-size: 70%;top: 25%;" class="fa-medal fas fa-stack-1x"></i></span>
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    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column flex_row:md relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1 m-b_3">
    		<div class="absolute nowrap overflow_ellipsis bg_acc br-bl_radius br-br_radius br_1 br_solid br_square br_white-4 c_white font_xbold p-t_3 p-x_4 p_3 r_4 r_5:lg shadow_overlap-light uppercase t_n1 text_center">1<sup>st</sup> place</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_1:lg font_0 items_start m-t_5 m-t_0:lg flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column flex_row:md relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1 m-b_3">
    		<div class="absolute nowrap overflow_ellipsis bg_acc br-bl_radius br-br_radius br_1 br_solid br_square br_white-4 c_white font_xbold p-t_3 p-x_4 p_3 r_4 r_5:lg shadow_overlap-light uppercase t_n1 text_center">2<sup>nd</sup> place</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_1:lg font_0 items_start m-t_5 m-t_0:lg flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    				<div class="aspect_1x1 w_100 grid text_center items_center justify_center bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10" data-name="awardee__no_image">
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    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex gap_4 gap_5:lg bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column flex_row:md relative br_black-1 br_solid br_1 m-b_3">
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    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_1:lg font_0 items_start m-t_5 m-t_0:lg flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
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    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
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    Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion [Column]

    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA

    Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion [Row]

    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    <h2 class="font_2:lg font_1 font_display font_bold c_primary-n3">Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion [Column]</h2>
    <ul class="ul_none m_0 m-b_4 p_0 grid columns_5:lg columns_3:md columns_2 gap_4">
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_0 flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_0 flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_0 flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_0 flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_0 flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_0 flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_0 flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_0 flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column relative">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_column font_0 flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    <h2 class="font_2:lg font_1 font_display font_bold c_primary-n3">Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion [Row]</h2>
    <ul class="ul_none m_0 m-b_4 p_0 grid columns_2 gap_4">
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column flex_row:md relative m-b_2">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_0 items_start flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="flex bg_black-1 p_4 flex_column flex_row:md relative m-b_2">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_0 items_start flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    Copy Code


    Default styling

    Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion

    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    • Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
      Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
      New York, NY, USA
    <h3 class="font_1:lg font_0 font_display font_bold c_primary-n3">Pamela S. Douglas Distinguished Award for Leaderiship in Diversity and Inclusion</h3>
    <ul class="ul_none grid columns_3:lg columns_2:md columns_1 gap_4">
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="p-y_3 br-b_1 br_dotted br_primary-3">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_0 items_start flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_5">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="p-y_3 br-b_1 br_dotted br_primary-3">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_0 items_start flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_5">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="p-y_3 br-b_1 br_dotted br_primary-3">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_0 items_start flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_5">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="p-y_3 br-b_1 br_dotted br_primary-3">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_0 items_start flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_5">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="p-y_3 br-b_1 br_dotted br_primary-3">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_0 items_start flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_5">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="p-y_3 br-b_1 br_dotted br_primary-3">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_0 items_start flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_5">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="p-y_3 br-b_1 br_dotted br_primary-3">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_0 items_start flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_5">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    	<li data-name="award__container" class="p-y_3 br-b_1 br_dotted br_primary-3">
    		<div data-name="awardee" class="flex_row:lg font_0 items_start flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    			<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_5">
    				    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    				    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    				/>	</div>
    			<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    				<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    					Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    					Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    				<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    					New York, NY, USA		</div>
    		</div>	</li>
    Copy Code

    Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 9601

    4.2 Awardee

    The basic Data of an awardee.


    Default styling


    Display Name

    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC


    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital


    New York, NY, USA
    <h2>Display Name</h2>
    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC<h2>Title</h2>
    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital<h2>Location</h2>
    New York, NY, USA
    Copy Code

    Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 9661

    4.2.1 Awardee Premium

    The base DOM and Data that represent an awardee. Head shots images are maxed at 350px wide.

    Example s


    The stacked version of the awardee.

    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
    New York, NY, USA
    <div data-name="awardee" class="[modifier] flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    	<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_round br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden shadow_bevel-light max-w_20">
    		    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    		    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    		/>	</div>
    	<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    		<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    			Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    			Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    			New York, NY, USA		</div>
    Copy Code

    Example s


    The stacked version of the awardee.

    Video EMBED
    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
    New York, NY, USA
    <div data-name="awardee" class="[modifier] flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    	<div data-name="awardee__video" class=" overflow_hidden shadow_bevel-light w_100">
    		<div class="player hd full w_100">
    			<div class="bg_acc aspect_4x3 c_white text_center  justify_center flex items_center">Video EMBED</div>
    	<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    		<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    			Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    			Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    			New York, NY, USA		</div>
    Copy Code

    Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 9727

    4.2.2 Awardee Standard

    The base DOM and Data that represent an awardee. Head shots images are maxed at 240px wide.

    Example s


    The stacked version of the awardee.

    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
    New York, NY, USA
    <div data-name="awardee" class="[modifier] flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    	<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    		    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    		    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    		/>	</div>
    	<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    		<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    			Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    			Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    			New York, NY, USA		</div>
    Copy Code

    Example s


    The stacked version of the awardee.

    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
    New York, NY, USA
    <div data-name="awardee" class="[modifier] flex gap_4 w_100 self_center items_center">
    	<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_15">
    		<div class="aspect_1x1 w_100 grid text_center items_center justify_center bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10" data-name="awardee__no_image">
    		<span class="fa-stack"> <i class="fa-user fas fa-stack-2x"></i> <i style="font-size: 70%;top: 25%;" class="fa-medal fas fa-stack-1x"></i></span>
    		</div>	</div>
    	<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    		<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    			Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    			Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    			New York, NY, USA		</div>
    Copy Code

    Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 9622

    4.2.3 Awardee Avatar

    When a head shot is missing it should use the avatar.


    Default styling

    <div class="aspect_1x1 w_100 grid text_center items_center justify_center bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10" data-name="awardee__no_image">
    <span class="fa-stack"> <i class="fa-user fas fa-stack-2x"></i> <i style="font-size: 70%;top: 25%;" class="fa-medal fas fa-stack-1x"></i></span>
    Copy Code


    Default styling

    <div class="aspect_4x3:lg bg_black-3 c_black-3 font_10 font_5 grid items_center justify_center text_center w_100" data-name="awardee__no_video">
    	<span class="fa-stack">
    		<i class="fas fa-rectangle-landscape fa-stack-2x"></i>
    		<i style="font-size: 70%;" class="fa-video-slash fas fa-stack-1x"></i>
    Copy Code

    Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 9793

    4.2.5 Awardee Condensed

    The base DOM and Data that represent an awardee. Head shots images are maxed at 160px wide.

    Example s


    The stacked version of the awardee.

    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
    New York, NY, USA
    <div data-name="awardee" class="[modifier] flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    	<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_10">
    		    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    		    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    		/>	</div>
    	<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    		<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    			Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    			Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    			New York, NY, USA		</div>
    Copy Code

    Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 9826

    4.2.6 Awardee Ultra Condensed

    The base DOM and Data that represent an awardee. Head shots images are maxed at 80px wide.

    Example s


    The stacked version of the awardee.

    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC
    Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital
    New York, NY, USA
    <div data-name="awardee" class="[modifier] flex gap_3 w_100 self_center items_center">
    	<div data-name="awardee__image" class="br_solid br_black-3 br_1 overflow_hidden w_100 max-w_5">
    		    class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
    		    alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
    		/>	</div>
    	<div data-name="awardee__content" class="m-y_3 p-x_3 max-w_35">
    		<div data-name="awardee__name" class="font_display c_primary-n2 font-size_up lh_0 m-b_3">
    			Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__title" class="font-size_down lh_2 m-b_2">
    			Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital		</div>
    		<div data-name="awardee__location" class="font-size_down-1 m-b_2 c_black-6">
    			New York, NY, USA		</div>
    Copy Code