Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 9472
6.1.7 Session Data Page
The sub pages have a common layouts.
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 9472
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<h1 class="c_primary c_primary-n3 font-size_up-2 font_display font_regular lh_1 m_0"> Cardiovascular Update for the Clinician III Clinical Side Effect Blood Vessel Chest Pain Valvular Electrocardiogram </h1>
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<header class="font_display font_regular c_primary-n2 m-b_2 lh_1 m-b_3:lg m-t_2 "><h3 class="lh_1 m_0 font_regular lowercase font_2:lg font_1:md font_0">session details</h3></header> <aside class="">
<h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-users p-r_3"></i> Role Type 1</h4>
<div class="p-y_3 br-t_1 br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down">
<ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
<li>Marty Little <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Eileen Marvin <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Chelsea Dach DVM <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize"><i class="fas fa-users p-r_3"></i> Role Type 2</h4>
<div class="p-y_3 br-t_1 br_primary-2 br_solid font-size_down">
<ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
<li>Wm Price<span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Mrs. Jeffrey Cartwright <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>CEmmett Spencer<span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
</div> <h4 class="font-size_up c_black-6 font_medium capitalize">
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<li>Channel 1</li>
<li>Navigating Health Care Economics</li>
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<i class="fas fa-tags p-r_3"></i> tags
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<li>Tag Name 1</li>
<li>Daugherty - Larkin</li>
</ul> </div>
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<header class="font_display font_regular c_primary-n1 m-b_3 lh_1 m-b_4:lg m-t_3 "><h2 class="lh_1 m_0 font_regular lowercase font_3:lg font_2:md font_1">presentation playlist</h2></header></div>
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<h2 class="font-size_up-1 font_display font_regular lh_1 h:underline c_primary-n3 m_0">
<a class="c_inherit-all expanded-click-area z_1">
Presentation of the findings
<div class="c_black-8 font_copy font-size_down-1">
<ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
<li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 ">Role Type 1:</li>
<li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 ">Role Type 2:</li>
<li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
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<strong class="p-r_3 block w_100">Search Word Found At These Time Markers</strong>
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<li class="c_primary uppercase font_medium"><a href="#" class="link"><i class="fas fa-play c_primary font-size_down-1 self_center"></i> start</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="link"><i class="fas fa-step-forward c_primary font-size_down-1 self_center"></i> 0:53</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="link"><i class="fas fa-step-forward c_primary font-size_down-1 self_center"></i> 2:30</a></li>
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<h2 class="font-size_up-1 font_display font_regular lh_1 h:underline c_primary-n3 m_0">
<a class="c_inherit-all expanded-click-area z_1">
Presentation of the findings
<div class="c_black-8 font_copy font-size_down-1">
<ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
<li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 ">Role Type 1:</li>
<li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 ">Role Type 2:</li>
<li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
</ul> </div>
<ul class="ul_none flex flex_row flex_wrap justify_start font-size_down-1 c_black-7 m-t_auto lh_0 items_end gap_2">
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<span class="font-size_up c_accent-n2 block"><i class="fal fa-clock"></i> 15</span>
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<strong class="p-r_3 block w_100">Search Word Found At These Time Markers</strong>
<ul class="ul_inline-pipe">
<li class="c_primary uppercase font_medium"><a href="#" class="link"><i class="fas fa-play c_primary font-size_down-1 self_center"></i> start</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="link"><i class="fas fa-step-forward c_primary font-size_down-1 self_center"></i> 0:53</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="link"><i class="fas fa-step-forward c_primary font-size_down-1 self_center"></i> 2:30</a></li>
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<h2 class="font-size_up-1 font_display font_regular lh_1 h:underline c_primary-n3 m_0">
<a class="c_inherit-all expanded-click-area z_1">
Presentation of the findings
<div class="c_black-8 font_copy font-size_down-1">
<ul class="ul_inline-semicolon font_regular font_copy">
<li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 ">Role Type 1:</li>
<li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 ">Role Type 2:</li>
<li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
</ul> </div>
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<span class="font-size_up c_accent-n2 block"><i class="fal fa-clock"></i> 15</span>
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<li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 ">Role Type 1:</li>
<li>Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li class="no-after font_medium c_primary-n1 block w_100 ">Role Type 2:</li>
<li>Dianna Denesik III <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Miguel Romaguera <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
<li>Jeanette Franecki <span class="opacity_9 font_light m-l_2">( New York, NY, USA)<span></li>
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