Arches: ACC & Bootstrap

Arches:ACC & Bootstrap

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/acc_boot.css, line 9296 COCATS Reference (Core Cardiology Training Symposium)

This component is used to reference the Core Cardiology Training Symposium (COCATS) materials related to the content. It lists the tables and skills that are associated with the content and provides a link to the referenced document.

This item is not finalized and might be subject to change
<div data-item="COCATS" class="bg_black-1 br-t_1 br_black-3 br_solid font_ui p-b_3 p-t_0 p-x_3 z_2 relative">
    <ul class="font-size_down-2 ul_inline-pipe ul_list-comma font_ui">
        <li class="c_acc font_bold no-after uppercase">Supporting COCATS:</li>
        <li data-item="TableReference">MK <span class="font_medium" data-item="rowID">#9</span></li>
        <li data-item="TableReference">PCPS Skill <span class="font_medium" data-item="rowID">#3</span></li>
    <a data-item="TableReference" href="" class="block font-size_down-2 font_italic link underline expanded-click-area">Task Force 12 Table 1 –
        Heart Failure</a>
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