Arches: ACC & Bootstrap

Arches:ACC & Bootstrap

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/acc_boot.css, line 8478

5.3.3 Page Hub Single

A collection of links that collapses the children of the nav item.

Limitations to the documentation system might cause javascript effects to animate or trigger incorrectly.
<ul class="c_primary font_copy ul_none font_1">
    <li class="nav-item active" data-nav="child">
        <div class="flex flex_row">
              <div class="opacity_0 flex flex_column flex_none font-size_down p-y_2 justify_start" aria-expanded="false">
                <div class="flex_none " >
                        <span class="fa-stack">
                        <i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x"></i>
                        <i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x "></i>
            <div class="flex_auto self_center">
                <a class="active p-y_2 w_100 inline-block h:underline self_center font-size_up font_medium p-l_3">Parent Nav</a>
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