Arches: Arches


Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/bespoke_all.css, line 228

1.2 Responsive Table with Mobile Card Layout

This component represents a responsive table that transforms each row into a card layout on mobile devices. It provides an optimized display for smaller screens, enhancing readability and usability.


Default styling

Fuit Vegitable Meat
Data 1-1 Data 1-2 Data 1-3
Data 2-1 Data 2-2 Data 2-3
<div class="responsive-table">
    <table class="table table-striped">
        <thead >
            <tr class="display_none table-row:md">
                <th class="">Fuit</th>
                <th class="">Vegitable</th>
                <th class="">Meat</th>
    <tbody class="table-body table-row-group:md flex flex_column">
        <tr class="table-row:md flex flex_column">
            <td class="data-label-show data-label-hide:md table-cell:md block flex_auto" data-label="Fruit">Data 1-1</td>
            <td class="data-label-show data-label-hide:md table-cell:md block flex_auto" data-label="Vegitable">Data 1-2</td>
            <td class="data-label-show data-label-hide:md table-cell:md block flex_auto" data-label="Meat">Data 1-3</td>
        <tr class="table-row:md flex flex_column">
            <td class="data-label-show data-label-hide:md table-cell:md block flex_auto"  data-label="Fruit">Data 2-1</td>
            <td class="data-label-show data-label-hide:md table-cell:md block flex_auto" data-label="Vegitable">Data 2-2</td>
            <td class="data-label-show data-label-hide:md table-cell:md block flex_auto" data-label="Meat">Data 2-3</td>
    <!-- More table rows -->
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