Arches: Arches


Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/bespoke_all.css, line 1122 CTA Highlight

The CTA Highlight component is used to create a highlighted call-to-action section.

Example s

Modifier: inverted

This modifier class is used to create an inverted version of the CTA Highlight component, which can be applied when a dark background is present.

Call to Action Title (CTA). You Should be Engaged

CTA reasoning background or message to convince a user to engage with the goal of the page and interact with the CTA Button. Officiis eum nemo id minus ut itaque et et beatae. Voluptas est incidunt.

The CTA Highlight component is effective for drawing attention to important calls-to-action on a website or application. When using the 'inverted' modifier class, it provides a visually striking effect when placed on a dark background.
<div data-item="cta-callout" class="[modifier class] c_white color_inherit font-size_0 isolation_isolate p_4 p_5:lg relative z_1">
      <h2 data-item="cta-title" class="font_medium m-t_0 m-b_3 font_display font-size_up-2">Call to Action Title (CTA). You Should be Engaged</h2>
      <p data-item="cta-description" class="font-size_up-0 lh_3">CTA reasoning background or message to convince a user to engage with the goal of the page and interact with the CTA Button. Officiis eum nemo id minus ut itaque et et beatae. Voluptas est incidunt.</p>
      <div class="grid justify_center items_center ">
        <button class="br_white-3 btn btn-primary c_white expanded-click-area shadow_overlap-bold">CTA ACTION LABEL</button>
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