Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 16330
8.1.7 Text Blend
Color blending modes for text on backgrounds.
.font-blend_normal - blend text with a normal .font-blend_multiply - blend text with a multiply .font-blend_screen - blend text with a screen .font-blend_overlay - blend text with a overlay .font-blend_darken - blend text with a darken .font-blend_lighten - blend text with a lighten .font-blend_color - blend text with a color .font-blend_color - blend text with a color .font-blend_hard - blend text with a hard .font-blend_soft - blend text with a soft .font-blend_difference - blend text with a difference .font-blend_exclusion - blend text with a exclusion .font-blend_hue - blend text with a hue .font-blend_saturation - blend text with a saturation .font-blend_color - blend text with a color .font-blend_luminosity - blend text with a luminosity .font-blend_initial - blend text with a initial .font-blend_inherit - blend text with a inherit .font-blend_unset - blend text with a unset