Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 9395
12.6 External Resource
External Sections of content that are helpful to cross promote other products from the conferences.
Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 9395
External Sections of content that are helpful to cross promote other products from the conferences.
Change the color of the block to primary.
Change the color of the block to accent.
<article class="aspect_21x9 bg-blend_luminosity relative bg_cover bg_no-repeat bg_[modifier]-2 br_1 br_black-3 br_radius br_solid flex_shrink generic_video generic_video-nolabel h:bg_secondary-n2 relative shadow_3 text_center c_[modifier]-4">
<em class="opacity_5 absolute t_1 r_2 fas font_4 fa-external-link-square-alt"></em>
<a class="block font_7 font_6:md font_9:lg font_display font_xbold h:undecorated m_0 p_4 p_5:lg text_left uppercase c_inherit expanded-click-area" style="line-height: .85em" href="" target="_blank"><span class="font_3 font_4:md m_0 m-l_0 m-b_n2 lh_0 block m-b_2">ACC’s</span>
<span class=" block">COVID-19 HUB</span>