Arches: Virtual ACC

Arches:Virtual ACC

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 10257 Channel Player - UP NEXT


Sub.Attachments.BigButton.Disabled - Attachments Disabled Sub.FacultyList - Faculty List Sub.Player.AuxData - Aux Data Sub.ActionButtons.Favorite.Disabled - Favorite Button Disabled Sub.Player.CIO - CIO Sub.Player.Chat - Chat
Sub Components in Design:
    Data.Session.Title - Title Data.Session.ID - Session ID Sub.Presentation.List - Presentation List
    Data Elements:


      Default styling

      You have reached the end of this schedule


      End of Current Schedule

      The Current Program has ended for the day. Please check the program for more.

      Check back soon for more information or view past sessions from the On Demand Page.

      Back to Program
      <div class="flex_column flex" id="session_9201">
          <header class="flex flex_row font_0 font_1:md font_3:lg p-y_3">
              <h3 class="c_primary-n2 flex_auto font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1 lh_2 m-b_3 m_0 p-l_3:lg w_100">
                      <span class="block">
                          You have reached the end of this schedule</span>
                  <div class="self_start flex gap_2">
                  <span  class="btn btn-secondary flex_none flex_none disabled grid items_center text_center " ><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></span>            <span class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg disabled p-x_4 p_3 c_white" href="" target="_blank">
                    <i class="far fa-paperclip"></i>
                    <span class="display_none inline-block:md"> Attachments</span>
                  </span>            </div>
          <section class="page-main fullscreen-player flex flex_row:md flex_column gap-x_4 gap-y_3">
              <div class="flex_auto w_100">
      <div class="bg_black-2 br_radius flex flex_column flex_row:md gap-x_4 gap-y_3 shadow_emboss-light">
                  <div class="flex_auto font-size_up-2 p-t_4 p_5 w_100">
                      <h1 class="m-t_4">End of Current Schedule</h1>
                      <p>The Current Program has ended for the day. Please check the program for more.</p>
                      <p>Check back soon for more information or view past sessions from the On Demand Page.</p>
                      <a title="back to program" class="bg_primary nowrap text_center br_radius c_white font-size_down-1 h:bg_primary-n3 h:c_primary-n3 h:c_white h:undecorated p-x_4 p_3" href="../program/" target="_blank">
                      <i class="far fa-arrow-left"></i>
                      <span class="display_none inline-block:md"> Back to Program</span>
      Copy Code