Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 13901
14.6.4 On Demand
Description: When the count of sessions is lower then 10 in count, the Simple Design is recommended the difference between live and on demand.
Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 13901
Description: When the count of sessions is lower then 10 in count, the Simple Design is recommended the difference between live and on demand.
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<span class="block c_black-6 uppercase font_bold font-size_down-1"> Session I: Evolving New Frontiers of Imaging Ready for Practice</span><span class="block font-size_up-1 font_display lh_1">New York Cardiovascular Symposium 2021 Welcome Video and Introduction of session and Faculty by Dr. Itchhaporia </span><span class="block c_black font-size_down-1 font_ui lh_3 opacity_7">Dipti Itchhaporia, MD, FACC (Chair)</span>
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