Source: dist/css/cvquality_boot.css, line 6903
4.2.1 Parent NavItem
Description: The parent is singular in this nav it is always active and its direct children are always expanded so there is not need for a toggle.
Source: dist/css/cvquality_boot.css, line 6903
Description: The parent is singular in this nav it is always active and its direct children are always expanded so there is not need for a toggle.
<li class="nav-item font-size_up" data-nav="parent">
<div class="bg_black-4 ">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 block w_100 c_white p-y_2 p-x_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Parent Link: Tree starts from this node</a>