Arches: JACC & UC Only Patterns

Arches:JACC & UC Only Patterns

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Vendor based code solution is a vendor-based solution website that utilizes the Utility Class styles from the codebase of Arches. The site has augmented its design flexibility by applying Utility Classes to our internally developed components. This approach allows ACC developed designs greater flexibility while maintaining a lightweight and fast-loading design. By leveraging the Utility Classes from the codebase, the website is easy to update and modify, making it a versatile and efficient platform.

Why does JACC not have access to Bootstrap Patterns.

It is worth noting that the website does not include any of the popular Bootstrap design patterns.'s design is primarily based on the vendor's code base and they do not base their work on Bootstrap for their development.

Journal Colors

There are color codes styles sheet specific to the journals if you need to design component with those colors you must include the secondary sheet.